DBox2 debug mode enable without/ohne LCD (English text added

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Registriert: Sonntag 12. August 2012, 17:12

DBox2 debug mode enable without/ohne LCD (English text added

Beitrag von oliver »

Hey all,

I received an old DBOX2 (2x intel) and it still works reasonably well. Obviously I wanted to install tuxbox on it, but I'm having a bit of trouble without a working LCD. I've setup everything needed for flash-reset (solderd a wire so only need to connect it to gnd) but due to the broken LCD no idea when to make/break the GND connection.

The LCD was allready pretty badly broken and whilst trying to fix it, it fell completly appart. The 'glue' was entirley desolved. Simply to old, nothing I could have done I suppose.

So now I'm trying to do a blind debug-enable. I have connected the dbox via serial terminal but have no clue when to connect flash-reset with GND and when to disconnect. Could anybody give me an approximation as to when to connect/disconnect flash-reset?

Also, does the box have to be entirly booted and then be put into standby + arrow up again? Or is arrow up +poweron enough? (I use a switch on an outlet to turn the box on/off).

== Deutsch ==

Ich habe eine alte DBOX2 (2x intel) bekommen und die geht noch zo ziemlich. Jetzt wolte ich naturlich tuxbox drauf installieren aber leider wird das ohne LCD sehr schwierich. Ich habe schon den flash-reset gefunden und ein kabel drauf geloted (das man einfach mit gnd verbinden kan). Nur habe ich gar keine ahnung wann man das mit gnd verbinden muss, und wann man das wieder runter gibt.

Das LCD ist hin. Das leichte flexible dunne plastic nach dem controller chip is runter. Eerst war noch so die haelfte verbunden aber beim demontiren ist sie total abgeloest. Einfach zu alt. kan man nix machen.

Es mueste ja moeglich sein um das zu 'timen' also 10 secunden nach power-on verbinden, 20 secunden wieder runter, oder so.

P.S. der flash-reset trick, geht der auch mit UP+Poweron? oder muss die box erst normal gebooted sein und dan den standby+Up trick machen?
Beiträge: 6
Registriert: Sonntag 12. August 2012, 17:12

Re: DBox2 debug mode enable without/ohne LCD (English text a

Beitrag von oliver »

Well i've done some more 'tests'. I knew that before the display broke entirly, the box would give an error UD06, no signal can't update.

I connected it to a TV and pressed 'any key' to force boot. It booted just fine, software version is 2.01 if that means anything with regards to the bmon.
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Registriert: Freitag 21. Januar 2005, 16:18

Re: DBox2 debug mode enable without/ohne LCD (English text a

Beitrag von MTM »

well, without knowledge of the exact box-type, its difficult. You said 2xIntel, so the Sagems are probably out of play? Is it Philips? Or Nokia: Nokia with Avia 500 (that would mean BMon 1.0) or Avia 600 (that would mean BMon 1.2).

Beiträge: 6
Registriert: Sonntag 12. August 2012, 17:12

Re: DBox2 debug mode enable without/ohne LCD (English text a

Beitrag von oliver »

I put the info in my profile, but its the nokia 600, as said, the beta nova isnt fully updated (2.01 atm) so as you said, bmon 1.2 then. would ideally need some timings so i can use stopwatch +poweron?

Edit: Was in a bit of a hurry when writing that post.

But the most ideal would be some kind of timing 'list' I guess?

Poweron + arrow up for 3 seconds, then wait until second 20 arrives, GND flash_reset for 5 seconds thus release flash_reset at 25seconds. Start typing 'icache <enter>' at 40 seconds.

Something like that :D

I am scouting ebay for replacement units, There's tons up and they usually are quite cheap, but demand is quite high, I've been outbid at the last second very often :( I figure with a 2nd dbox2, i can 'borrow' it's display, debug enable it, install some software that I want, and 'return' the display. Once linux is on it, the display will be moot anyhow. Getting debug_mode on however, is trickier :(

Most final most desperate idea now in my head, is to wire those 8 bits to an avr or something and have that decode it on a serial terminal :) But that's probably a lot of effort too.
Beiträge: 6
Registriert: Sonntag 12. August 2012, 17:12

Re: DBox2 debug mode enable without/ohne LCD (English text a

Beitrag von oliver »

I ordered one old nokia dbox via ebay, but the guy screwed me over and sent a dbox 1, where his auction listed a dbox 2.

So unless I try again, i'm still stuck without display and have to 'guess' when to short out things etc. Does anybody have an idea how long one has to wait for various steps?
Beiträge: 1119
Registriert: Sonntag 9. Juni 2002, 13:28

Re: DBox2 debug mode enable without/ohne LCD (English text a

Beitrag von MarcM »

Could you read german ? Try this
http://www.tuxbox-cvs.sourceforge.net/f ... 04#p220804

- Powerup with pressed arrowup
- after 1-2 sek. connect the Flashreset for 5sek.
- check with "icache" in the COM-Terminal if it works.

Beiträge: 6
Registriert: Sonntag 12. August 2012, 17:12

Re: DBox2 debug mode enable without/ohne LCD (English text a

Beitrag von oliver »

excellent! That's exactly what I was looking for. I can read german without problem, so i'll read that thread immediatly and will try tonight/tomorrow.