hab auch eine frage
was muss ich da eingeben damit ich das verzeichnis mounten kann ?
oder was muss ich nach dem ich das gemacht habe machen ?
1) connect your PC by wire to the WL-HDD
2) boot up your WL-HDD
3) copy the files tmp.rar and conf.tar.gz to the root directory of the part1 share
4) unrar the file tmp.rar to /tmp (be careful: the files should be in /tmp *not* in /tmp/tmp !)
5) open the "backdoor" webpage in your browser:
http://wl-hdd/index.asp : Admin
6) copy the following command to the "System Command" textbox and then click the "Refresh" button:
chmod a+x /tmp/harddisk/part1/tmp/busybox
7) copy the following command to the "System Command" textbox and then click the "Refresh" button:
chmod a+x /tmp/harddisk/part1/tmp/telnetd
copy the following command to the "System Command" textbox and then click the "Refresh" button:
ln -s /tmp/harddisk/part1/tmp/busybox /tmp/harddisk/part1/tmp/sh
9) copy the following command to the "System Command" textbox and then click the "Refresh" button:
/tmp/harddisk/part1/tmp/telnetd -d -l /tmp/harddisk/part1/tmp/sh &
10) the previous command started the telnet daemon and now you can access it from your PC with: telnet
11) on the prompt type:
cd /tmp/harddisk/part1
12) enter the command:
tmp/busybox tar xzvf conf.tar.gz
13) all necessary files are now installed on the harddisk and now you flash the new firmware WLHDD_1.1.2.7_en.trx on your WL-HDD
14) wait until flashing is
and until the Asus has rebooted itself
15) congratulations! you (hopefully) made it
fals jemand ein kleines howto schreiben was man genau machen muss
Wäre über hilfe sehr dankbar .