Hi Guys, need some step by step tuts, To help me flash my dbox, i can not write anything to the box anymore. The box works fine, just can not update or edit files, i get an error in writing to the box. I see that another list user had the same problem.
How do i reflash the box. i have dbox boot manager, what files do i need to flash?
Just some tips my start me on my way.
FTP Help Please
- Neugieriger
- Beiträge: 3
- Registriert: Donnerstag 10. März 2005, 13:46
- Tuxboxer
- Beiträge: 2614
- Registriert: Montag 20. Mai 2002, 10:49
- Image: JTG-Image [IDE] Version 2.4.4
- Image: (7025SS) Merlin
If you have access to your Box, via FTP, save your ucodes, from /var/tuxbox/ucodes/ all the files in this directory, to your PC.
Then take a complete image and copy it to the /tmp/ directory of your dbox. The /tmp/ directory is in the RAM-Area of your box, so you can always write in it.
Then hit the following keys of your remote control Dbox-Button, go to service -softwareupdate - then change the item updatemodus in the following menu from internetupdate to ftp then go to expert functions flash single partition -> flash without bootloader. Keep in mind that you need a complete image fitting to your Dbox, 2xImage if you have 2 Flash-Chips in your Box, 1xImage if you have only one Flash-Chip. If you have a Nokia or Philips-Box you can take a 2xImage. If you have a Sagem you have to look if you have one with one or 2 Flash-Chips. The Image-File which you want to copy to /tmp/ must have the ending .img.
Thats all.
If you don't have access to your box via FTP, you must use the bootmanager. There is a site which will help you. http://www.dietmar-h.net/ There is also an english Howto on it.
Greetz from DrStoned
Then take a complete image and copy it to the /tmp/ directory of your dbox. The /tmp/ directory is in the RAM-Area of your box, so you can always write in it.
Then hit the following keys of your remote control Dbox-Button, go to service -softwareupdate - then change the item updatemodus in the following menu from internetupdate to ftp then go to expert functions flash single partition -> flash without bootloader. Keep in mind that you need a complete image fitting to your Dbox, 2xImage if you have 2 Flash-Chips in your Box, 1xImage if you have only one Flash-Chip. If you have a Nokia or Philips-Box you can take a 2xImage. If you have a Sagem you have to look if you have one with one or 2 Flash-Chips. The Image-File which you want to copy to /tmp/ must have the ending .img.
Thats all.
If you don't have access to your box via FTP, you must use the bootmanager. There is a site which will help you. http://www.dietmar-h.net/ There is also an english Howto on it.
Greetz from DrStoned
Greetz von DrStoned