
The forum for our foreign guests... Please post in English
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Registriert: Freitag 1. April 2005, 00:52


Beitrag von noz »

Any one has service for N*L in East London?
Moderator english
Beiträge: 2458
Registriert: Donnerstag 20. Dezember 2001, 00:00

Beitrag von PT-1 »

Hi Mate,

if you would bother and read the rules: ... hp?t=36434

Use google and you would be suprised that you might find some uk sites talking about what you are looking....
Beiträge: 1475
Registriert: Dienstag 4. Februar 2003, 22:02

Beitrag von Barf »

To me, it is not clear if and how the O.P. asked for something illegal. Requests for services (services.xml) has been common in the past (although they have been rare lately, as the scan-functionallity in the software has improved). Still, I do not know exactly what "N*L in East London" means. It is not impossible that this a part of an attempt to do something illegal. I do not know. Please tell.
PT-1 hat geschrieben:Use google and you would be suprised that you might find some uk sites talking about what you are looking....
this translates to:

"The guys in this forum are quite knowledgeable, but they have a funny aversion against 'taking full advantage of all the possibilities of the hard- and software'. Please come to a certain other forum, where they/we do not have that quirk."

To me, this violates at least the spirit of the board rules you quoted.
Moderator english
Beiträge: 2458
Registriert: Donnerstag 20. Dezember 2001, 00:00

Beitrag von PT-1 »

Use google is all I can say on "this" forum !!

This forum here does not tolerate the discussion of using the DBOX 2 to descramble Pay TV and enable the reception of NTL or Telewest...

I cannot be more specific..... You might like my username and have a little google around...You will be suprised how close to home you find information...

Senior Member
Beiträge: 5071
Registriert: Dienstag 18. September 2001, 00:00

Beitrag von rasc »

Well, it's not a problem requesting channel lists.

This is quite legal.
Moderator english
Beiträge: 2458
Registriert: Donnerstag 20. Dezember 2001, 00:00

Beitrag von PT-1 »

No Problem with me.....