[00000268] logger interface: VLC media player - version 0.8.2 Janus - (c) 1996-2
005 VideoLAN
[00000268] logger interface:
Warnung: Falls Sie das graphische Interface nicht mehr benutzen k├Ânnen, ├Âffnen
Sie die DOS-Eingabe, gehen in den Ordner von VLC und f├╝hren Sie "vlc -I wxwin"
[00000268] logger interface: Using the logger interface module...
[00000268] logger interface warning: no log filename provided, using `vlc-log.tx
[00000268] logger interface debug: opening logfile `vlc-log.txt'
[00000129] main module debug: using interface module "logger"
[00000268] main interface debug: interface initialized
[00000268] main interface debug: thread 3624 (interface) created at priority 0 (
[00000261] main playlist debug: adding playlist item `
0,0x0064,0x0065,0x0066' (,0x0064,0x0065,0x0066 )
[00000261] main playlist debug: creating new input thread
[00000270] main input debug: waiting for thread completion
[00000270] main input debug: thread 3648 (input) created at priority 1 (src/inpu
[00000270] main input debug: `,0x0064,0x0065,0x0066'
gives access `http' demux `' path `,0x0064,0x0065,0x0066'
[00000270] main input debug: creating demux: access='http' demux='' path='192.16
[00000271] main demuxer debug: looking for access_demux module: 0 candidates
[00000271] main demuxer warning: no access_demux module matched "http"
[00000270] main input debug: creating access 'http' path=',0
[00000272] main access debug: looking for access2 module: 6 candidates
[00000272] access_http access debug: http: server='' port=31339 file
[00000272] main access debug: net: connecting to ''
[00000272] main access debug: looking for network module: 2 candidates
[00000272] ipv4 access debug: connection in progress
[00000124] main module debug: using network module "ipv4"
[00000124] main module debug: unlocking module "ipv4"
[00000272] access_http access debug: protocol 'HTTP' answer code 200
[00000272] access_http access debug: Server: streamts (ts)
[00000037] main module debug: using access2 module "access_http"
[00000275] main private debug: pre buffering
[00000275] main private debug: received first data for our buffer
[00000275] main private debug: prebuffering

69516 bytes in 0s - 155 kbytes/
[00000270] main input debug: creating demux: access='http' demux='' path='192.16
[00000276] main demuxer debug: looking for demux2 module: 38 candidates
[00000231] main module debug: using demux2 module "ts"
[00000276] ts demuxer debug: DEMUX_SET_GROUP 0 00000000
[00000272] access_http access debug: GET META (null) (null) (null)
[00000270] main input debug: `,0x0064,0x0065,0x0066'
successfully opened
[00000276] ts demuxer debug: pid[100] unknown
[00000276] ts demuxer debug: PATCallBack called
[00000276] ts demuxer debug: new PAT ts_id=1101 version=0 current_next=1
[00000276] ts demuxer debug: * number=0 pid=16
[00000276] ts demuxer debug: * number=28106 pid=100
[00000276] ts demuxer debug: * number=28107 pid=200
[00000276] ts demuxer debug: * number=28108 pid=300
[00000276] ts demuxer debug: * number=28109 pid=400
[00000276] ts demuxer debug: * number=28110 pid=500
[00000276] ts demuxer debug: * number=28111 pid=600
[00000276] ts demuxer debug: * number=28112 pid=700
[00000276] ts demuxer debug: * number=28113 pid=800
[00000276] ts demuxer debug: * number=28114 pid=900
[00000276] ts demuxer debug: * number=28120 pid=3000
[00000276] ts demuxer debug: * number=28121 pid=3100
[00000276] ts demuxer debug: * number=28122 pid=3200
[00000276] ts demuxer debug: * number=28123 pid=3300
[00000276] ts demuxer debug: * number=28124 pid=3400
[00000276] ts demuxer debug: * number=28125 pid=3500
[00000276] ts demuxer debug: * number=28126 pid=3600
[00000276] ts demuxer debug: * number=28127 pid=3700
[00000276] ts demuxer debug: * number=28128 pid=3800
[00000276] ts demuxer debug: * number=28129 pid=3900
[00000276] ts demuxer debug: * number=28130 pid=2000
[00000276] ts demuxer debug: pid[101] unknown
[00000276] ts demuxer debug: pid[102] unknown
libdvbpsi error (PSI decoder): TS discontinuity (received 13, expected 0) for PI
D 100
[00000276] ts demuxer debug: PMTCallBack called
[00000276] ts demuxer debug: new PMT program number=28106 version=26 pid_pcr=101
[00000276] ts demuxer debug: * es pid=101 type=2 fcc=mpgv
[00000270] main input debug: selecting program id=28106
[00000303] main decoder debug: looking for decoder module: 24 candidates
[00000126] main module debug: using decoder module "libmpeg2"
[00000303] main decoder debug: thread 3808 (decoder) created at priority 0 (src/
[00000276] ts demuxer debug: * es pid=102 type=4 fcc=mpga
[00000306] main decoder debug: looking for decoder module: 24 candidates
[00000145] main module debug: using decoder module "mpeg_audio"
[00000306] main decoder debug: thread 3784 (decoder) created at priority 2 (src/
[00000276] ts demuxer debug: * es pid=2073 type=5 *unknown*
[00000276] ts demuxer debug: * es pid=104 type=6 dr->i_tag=0x56
[00000276] ts demuxer debug: * EBU Teletext descriptor
[00000276] ts demuxer debug: * es pid=104 type=6 dr->i_tag=0x52
[00000276] ts demuxer debug: * es pid=104 type=6 fcc=telx
[00000276] ts demuxer debug: * es pid=2071 type=11 *unknown*
[00000276] ts demuxer debug: * es pid=2072 type=11 *unknown*
[00000276] ts demuxer debug: * es pid=2076 type=12 *unknown*
[00000276] ts demuxer warning: first packet for pid=101 cc=0x3
[00000276] ts demuxer warning: first packet for pid=102 cc=0xb
[00000306] mpeg_audio decoder debug: MPGA channels:2 samplerate:48000 bitrate:19
[00000306] main decoder debug: no aout present, spawning one
[00000322] main audio output debug: looking for audio output module: 3 candidate
[00000322] aout_directx audio output debug: OpenAudio
[00000322] aout_directx audio output debug: found device: Primõrer Soundtreiber
[00000322] aout_directx audio output debug: found device: SoundMAX Digital Audio
[00000322] aout_directx audio output debug: device supports 2 channels
[00000322] aout_directx audio output debug: device supports 1 channel
[00000322] aout_directx audio output debug: creating DirectSoundThread
[00000324] main private debug: thread 4356 (DirectSound Notification Thread) cre
ated at priority 15 (directx.c:386)
[00000324] aout_directx private debug: DirectSoundThread ready
[00000049] main module debug: using audio output module "aout_directx"
[00000322] main audio output debug: output 'fl32' 48000 Hz Stereo frame=1 sample
s/8 bytes
[00000322] main audio output debug: mixer 'fl32' 48000 Hz Stereo frame=1 samples
/8 bytes
[00000322] main audio output debug: no need for any filter
[00000322] main audio output debug: looking for audio mixer module: 3 candidates
[00000229] main module debug: using audio mixer module "trivial_mixer"
[00000322] main audio output debug: input 'mpga' 48000 Hz Stereo frame=1152 samp
les/1161 bytes
[00000322] main audio output debug: filter(s) 'mpga'->'fl32' 48000 Hz->48000 Hz
[00000328] main private debug: looking for audio filter module: 22 candidates
[00000147] main module debug: using audio filter module "mpgatofixed32"
[00000322] main audio output debug: found a filter for the whole conversion
[00000322] main audio output debug: filter(s) 'fl32'->'fl32' 52800 Hz->48000 Hz
[00000333] main private debug: looking for audio filter module: 22 candidates
[00000057] main module debug: using audio filter module "bandlimited_resampler"
[00000322] main audio output debug: found a filter for the whole conversion
[00000303] libmpeg2 decoder debug: 720x576, aspect 576000, 25.000 fps
[00000303] main decoder debug: no usable vout present, spawning one
[00000335] main video output debug: looking for video output module: 5 candidate
[00000335] vout_directx video output debug: creating DirectXEventThread
[00000337] main private debug: waiting for thread completion
[00000335] vout_directx video output debug: DirectXCreateWindow
[00000336] main private debug: Registering subpicture channel, ID: 2
[00000336] main private debug: Registering subpicture channel, ID: 3
[00000336] main private debug: Registering subpicture channel, ID: 4
[00000336] main private debug: Registering subpicture channel, ID: 5
[00000335] vout_directx video output debug: Created video sub-window
[00000337] main private debug: thread 4436 (DirectX Events Thread) created at pr
iority 0 (directx.c:261)
[00000335] vout_directx video output debug: DirectXEventThread running
[00000335] vout_directx video output debug: DirectXInitDDraw
[00000335] vout_directx video output debug: directx-device:
[00000335] vout_directx video output debug: DirectXEnumCallback: Primõrer Anzeig
etreiber, display
[00000335] vout_directx video output debug: screen dimensions (0x0,1280x1024)
[00000335] vout_directx video output debug: DirectDraw Capabilities: overlay=1 y
uvoverlay=1 can_deinterlace_overlay=1 colorkey=1 stretch=1 bltfourcc=1
[00000335] vout_directx video output debug: align_boundary_src=0,0 align_boundar
y_dest=1,1 align_size_src=0,0 align_size_dest=0,0
[00000335] vout_directx video output debug: End DirectXInitDDraw
[00000335] vout_directx video output debug: DirectXCreateDisplay
[00000335] vout_directx video output debug: DirectXCreateClipper
[00000260] main module debug: using video output module "vout_directx"
[00000335] vout_directx video output debug: NewPictureVec overlay:yes chroma:YV1
[00000335] main video output debug: waiting for thread completion
[00000335] vout_directx video output debug: YUV overlay created successfully
[00000335] vout_directx video output debug: End NewPictureVec (succeeded)
[00000335] main video output debug: got 1 direct buffer(s)
[00000335] main video output debug: picture in 720x576 (0,0,720x576), chroma I42
0, ar 4:3, sar 16:15
[00000335] main video output debug: picture user 720x576 (0,0,720x576), chroma I
420, ar 4:3, sar 16:15
[00000335] main video output debug: picture out 720x576, chroma I420, ar 4:3, sa
r 16:15
[00000335] main video output debug: direct render, mapping render pictures 0-6 t
o system pictures 1-7
[00000335] main video output debug: thread 4464 (video output) created at priori
ty 1 (src/video_output/video_output.c:466)
[00000338] main private warning: dts != current_pts (-1293366)
[00000338] main private warning: vout synchro warning: pts != current_date (-400
[00000322] main audio output debug: audio output is starving (44061), playing si
[00000322] main audio output warning: output date isn't PTS date, requesting res
ampling (-40514)
[00000322] main audio output warning: buffer is 40514 in advance, triggering dow
[00000338] main private debug: decoded 106/108 pictures
[00000270] main input debug: control type=0
[00000270] main input debug: control: stopping input
[00000270] main input debug: closing input
[00000276] ts demuxer debug: pid list:
[00000276] ts demuxer debug: - pid[0] seen
[00000276] ts demuxer debug: - pid[100] seen
[00000126] main module debug: unlocking module "libmpeg2"
[00000303] main decoder debug: thread times: real 0m6.937500s, kernel 0m0.031250
s, user 0m0.203125s
[00000303] main decoder debug: thread 3808 joined (src/input/decoder.c:191)
[00000303] main decoder debug: killing decoder fourcc `mpgv', 44 PES in FIFO
[00000276] ts demuxer debug: - pid[101] seen
[00000145] main module debug: unlocking module "mpeg_audio"
[00000306] main decoder debug: thread times: real 0m6.953125s, kernel 0m0.265625
s, user 0m0.062500s