Diesmal WDR:
Connection from UDS
version: 5, cmd: 29, numbytes: 1
data length: 2
Connection from UDS
version: 5, cmd: 19, numbytes: 1
data length: 8
Request of ComponentTags for 0x44d00016dd28753
ComponentTags found.
components.size 2
Connection from UDS
version: 5, cmd: 24, numbytes: 1
data length: 16
[sectionsd] commandserviceChanged: Service changed to 44100012f3a
--> '[sectionsd] commandserviceChanged: before messaging lock' 1840.895000
[sectionsd] commandserviceChanged: current service-descriptor not loaded yet!
--> '[sectionsd] commandserviceChanged: before wakeup' 1.172000
--> 'changeDMX: before pthread_mutex_lock(&start_stop_mutex)' 0.635000
--> 'changeDMX: after pthread_mutex_lock(&start_stop_mutex)' 264.316000
changeDMX [12]-> current/next (0x4e)
--> 'after DMX_SET_FILTER' 4.023000
--> '[sectionsd] commandserviceChanged: after doWakeup' 0.650000
Connection from UDS
version: 5, cmd: 16, numbytes: 1
data length: 8
[sectionsd] Request of current/next information for 44100012f3a
[sectionsd] current EPG found.
[sectionsd] next EPG found.
Connection from UDS
version: 5, cmd: 29, numbytes: 1
data length: 2
commandSetPrivatePid timeout - filter: 4e - timeout# 0
[eitThread] got all packages for table_id 0x4e
[eitThread] got new C/N EPG (table_id 0x4e, ext_hi=2f, ext_lo=3a, sn=0, vn=b)
New Filterindex: 1 (ges. 3)
--> 'changeDMX: before pthread_mutex_lock(&start_stop_mutex)' 1588.324000
--> 'changeDMX: after pthread_mutex_lock(&start_stop_mutex)' 1.550000
changeDMX [12]-> scheduled (0x50)
--> 'after DMX_SET_FILTER' 5.658000 timeout - filter: 50 - timeout# 0
Connection from UDS
version: 5, cmd: 14, numbytes: 1
data length: 80
Request of TV event list (IDs).
[sectionsd] sendEventList - response-size: 0x17a
Connection from UDS
version: 5, cmd: 26, numbytes: 1
data length: 4
Request of stop sorting events.
[eitThread] skipped sections for table 0x50
[eitThread] skipped sections for table 0x50
[eitThread] skipped sections for table 0x51
[eitThread] skipped sections for table 0x50
[eitThread] skipped sections for table 0x50
[eitThread] skipped sections for table 0x50
[eitThread] skipped sections for table 0x50
[eitThread] skipped sections for table 0x51
[eitThread] skipped sections for table 0x50
[eitThread] skipped sections for table 0x50
[eitThread] skipped sections for table 0x50
[eitThread] skipped sections for table 0x50
[eitThread] skipped sections for table 0x50
[eitThread] skipped sections for table 0x51
[eitThread] skipped sections for table 0x50
[eitThread] skipped sections for table 0x50
[eitThread] skipped sections for table 0x50
[eitThread] skipped sections for table 0x50
Connection from UDS
version: 5, cmd: 26, numbytes: 1
data length: 4
Request of continue sorting events. timeout - filter: 50 - timeout# 0 timeout - filter: 50 - timeout# 0 timeout - filter: 50 - timeout# 0 timeout - filter: 50 - timeout# 0
Connection from UDS
version: 5, cmd: 24, numbytes: 1
data length: 16
[sectionsd] commandserviceChanged: Service changed to 44d00016dcf
--> '[sectionsd] commandserviceChanged: before messaging lock' 6714.362000
[sectionsd] commandserviceChanged: current service-descriptor not loaded yet!
--> '[sectionsd] commandserviceChanged: before wakeup' 1.171000
--> 'changeDMX: before pthread_mutex_lock(&start_stop_mutex)' 0.635000
--> 'changeDMX: after pthread_mutex_lock(&start_stop_mutex)' 264.452000
changeDMX [12]-> current/next (0x4e)
--> 'after DMX_SET_FILTER' 4.012000
--> '[sectionsd] commandserviceChanged: after doWakeup' 0.895000
Connection from UDS
version: 5, cmd: 16, numbytes: 1
data length: 8
[sectionsd] Request of current/next information for 44d00016dcf
[sectionsd] current EPG found.
[sectionsd] next EPG found.
Connection from UDS
version: 5, cmd: 29, numbytes: 1
data length: 2
Connection from UDS
version: 5, cmd: 19, numbytes: 1
data length: 8
Request of ComponentTags for 0x44d00016dcf7c4f
ComponentTags found.
components.size 2
[eitThread] got all packages for table_id 0x4e
[eitThread] got new C/N EPG (table_id 0x4e, ext_hi=6d, ext_lo=cf, sn=0, vn=10)
New Filterindex: 1 (ges. 3)
--> 'changeDMX: before pthread_mutex_lock(&start_stop_mutex)' 1787.315000
--> 'changeDMX: after pthread_mutex_lock(&start_stop_mutex)' 1.546000
changeDMX [12]-> scheduled (0x50)
--> 'after DMX_SET_FILTER' 5.649000
Connection from UDS
version: 5, cmd: 24, numbytes: 1
data length: 16
[sectionsd] commandserviceChanged: Service changed to 44500016f45
--> '[sectionsd] commandserviceChanged: before messaging lock' 883.619000
[sectionsd] commandserviceChanged: current service-descriptor not loaded yet!
--> '[sectionsd] commandserviceChanged: before wakeup' 1.159000
--> 'changeDMX: before pthread_mutex_lock(&start_stop_mutex)' 0.633000
--> 'changeDMX: after pthread_mutex_lock(&start_stop_mutex)' 0.644000
changeDMX [12]-> current/next (0x4e)
--> 'after DMX_SET_FILTER' 3.869000
--> '[sectionsd] commandserviceChanged: after doWakeup' 0.649000
Connection from UDS
version: 5, cmd: 16, numbytes: 1
data length: 8
[sectionsd] Request of current/next information for 44500016f45
[sectionsd] current EPG found.
[sectionsd] next EPG found. timeout - filter: 4e - timeout# 0
Connection from UDS
version: 5, cmd: 29, numbytes: 1
data length: 2
commandSetPrivatePid timeout - filter: 4e - timeout# 1 timeout - filter: 4e - timeout# 2
[eitThread] dmxEIT restarted, cache NOT decreased (dt=30) timeout - filter: 4e - timeout# 0 timeout - filter: 4e - timeout# 1
Connection from UDS
version: 5, cmd: 24, numbytes: 1
data length: 16
[sectionsd] commandserviceChanged: Service changed to 44d00016dcf
--> '[sectionsd] commandserviceChanged: before messaging lock' 2723.279000
[sectionsd] commandserviceChanged: current service-descriptor not loaded yet!
--> '[sectionsd] commandserviceChanged: before wakeup' 1.173000
--> 'changeDMX: before pthread_mutex_lock(&start_stop_mutex)' 0.633000
--> 'changeDMX: after pthread_mutex_lock(&start_stop_mutex)' 228.678000
changeDMX [12]-> current/next (0x4e)
--> 'after DMX_SET_FILTER' 4.200000
--> '[sectionsd] commandserviceChanged: after doWakeup' 0.651000
Connection from UDS
version: 5, cmd: 16, numbytes: 1
data length: 8
[sectionsd] Request of current/next information for 44d00016dcf
[sectionsd] current EPG found.
[sectionsd] next EPG found.
Connection from UDS
version: 5, cmd: 29, numbytes: 1
data length: 2
Connection from UDS
version: 5, cmd: 19, numbytes: 1
data length: 8
Request of ComponentTags for 0x44d00016dcf7c4f
ComponentTags found.
components.size 2
[eitThread] got all packages for table_id 0x4e
[eitThread] got new C/N EPG (table_id 0x4e, ext_hi=6d, ext_lo=cf, sn=1, vn=10)
New Filterindex: 1 (ges. 3)
--> 'changeDMX: before pthread_mutex_lock(&start_stop_mutex)' 1494.968000
--> 'changeDMX: after pthread_mutex_lock(&start_stop_mutex)' 1.548000
changeDMX [12]-> scheduled (0x50)
--> 'after DMX_SET_FILTER' 6.266000
Connection from UDS
version: 5, cmd: 14, numbytes: 1
data length: 80
Request of TV event list (IDs).
[sectionsd] sendEventList - response-size: 0x199
Connection from UDS
version: 5, cmd: 26, numbytes: 1
data length: 4
Request of stop sorting events.
[eitThread] skipped sections for table 0x51
[eitThread] skipped sections for table 0x51
[eitThread] skipped sections for table 0x51
[eitThread] skipped sections for table 0x50
[eitThread] skipped sections for table 0x51
[eitThread] skipped sections for table 0x50
[eitThread] skipped sections for table 0x50
[eitThread] skipped sections for table 0x51
[eitThread] skipped sections for table 0x50
[eitThread] skipped sections for table 0x50
[eitThread] skipped sections for table 0x50
[eitThread] skipped sections for table 0x51
[eitThread] skipped sections for table 0x50
Connection from UDS
version: 5, cmd: 26, numbytes: 1
data length: 4
Request of continue sorting events.
Connection from UDS
version: 5, cmd: 12, numbytes: 1
data length: 0
[eitThread] got all packages for table_id 0x50
New Filterindex: 2 (ges. 3)
--> 'changeDMX: before pthread_mutex_lock(&start_stop_mutex)' 22004.355000
--> 'changeDMX: after pthread_mutex_lock(&start_stop_mutex)' 1.541000
changeDMX [12]-> scheduled (0x60)
--> 'after DMX_SET_FILTER' 6.376000
[sectionsd] readNbytes: received POLLERR rc: -1 - filter: 60
[sectionsd] readNbytes: received POLLERR rc: -1 - filter: 60
dmxEIT: going to sleep...
Connection from UDS
version: 5, cmd: 12, numbytes: 1
data length: 0
Connection from UDS
version: 5, cmd: 12, numbytes: 1
data length: 0
dmxNIT: waking up again - looking for new transponders

--> 'changeDMX: before pthread_mutex_lock(&start_stop_mutex)' 198808.402000
--> 'changeDMX: after pthread_mutex_lock(&start_stop_mutex)' 0.710000
changeDMX [10]-> current/next (0x40)
--> 'after DMX_SET_FILTER' 2.550000
dmxSDT: waking up again - looking for new services

--> 'changeDMX: before pthread_mutex_lock(&start_stop_mutex)' 2.371000
--> 'changeDMX: after pthread_mutex_lock(&start_stop_mutex)' 0.639000
changeDMX [11]-> current/next (0x42)
--> 'after DMX_SET_FILTER' 11.394000
[nitThread] adding 40 transponders [table 0x40]
[sdtThread] added 19 services [table 0x46 TID: 00010445]
TDT-Thread sleeping is over - no signal received
[timeThread] Time set via NTP, going to sleep for 1800 seconds.
[sdtThread] adding 110 bouquet entries
[sdtThread] added 9 services [table 0x42 TID: 0001044d]
before removeoldevents
after removeoldevents
total size of memory occupied by chunks handed out by malloc: 506500
total bytes memory allocated with `sbrk' by malloc, in bytes: 2389308 (2333kb, 2.28MB)
Removed 11 old events.
Number of sptr events (event-ID): 2989
Number of sptr events (service-id, start time, event-id): 2989
Number of sptr events (end time, service-id, event-id): 2989
Number of sptr nvod events (event-ID): 0
Number of cached meta-services: 0
Number of services: 28
Number of cached nvod-services: 0
ONID: 0001 TSID: 0445 SID: 6f0f Prov: ARD MDR Name: MDR FIGARO actual: 0
ONID: 0001 TSID: 0445 SID: 6f10 Prov: ARD MDR Name: MDR JUMP actual: 0
ONID: 0001 TSID: 0445 SID: 6f11 Prov: ARD MDR Name: SPUTNIK actual: 0
ONID: 0001 TSID: 0445 SID: 6f12 Prov: ARD MDR Name: MDR INFO actual: 0
ONID: 0001 TSID: 0445 SID: 6f15 Prov: ARD NDR Name: NDR 2 actual: 0
ONID: 0001 TSID: 0445 SID: 6f16 Prov: ARD NDR Name: NDR Kultur actual: 0
ONID: 0001 TSID: 0445 SID: 6f17 Prov: ARD NDR Name: NDR Info actual: 0
ONID: 0001 TSID: 0445 SID: 6f18 Prov: ARD NDR Name: N-JOY actual: 0
ONID: 0001 TSID: 0445 SID: 6f19 Prov: ARD NDR Name: NDR 90,3 actual: 0
ONID: 0001 TSID: 0445 SID: 6f1a Prov: ARD NDR Name: NDR 1 Welle Nord actual: 0
ONID: 0001 TSID: 0445 SID: 6f1b Prov: ARD NDR Name: NDR 1 Radio MV actual: 0
ONID: 0001 TSID: 0445 SID: 6f1c Prov: ARD NDR Name: NDR 1 Niedersachsen actual: 0
ONID: 0001 TSID: 0445 SID: 6f1d Prov: ARD NDR Name: NDR Info Spezial actual: 0
ONID: 0001 TSID: 0445 SID: 6f20 Prov: ARD RB Name: Bremen Eins actual: 0
ONID: 0001 TSID: 0445 SID: 6f21 Prov: ARD RB Name: Nordwestradio actual: 0
ONID: 0001 TSID: 0445 SID: 6f22 Prov: ARD RB Name: Bremen Vier actual: 0
ONID: 0001 TSID: 0445 SID: 6f24 Prov: ARD rbb Name: InfoRadio actual: 0
ONID: 0001 TSID: 0445 SID: 6f25 Prov: ARD rbb Name: kulturradio actual: 0
ONID: 0001 TSID: 0445 SID: 6f26 Prov: ARD rbb Name: Antenne Brandenburg actual: 0
ONID: 0001 TSID: 044d SID: 6dca Prov: ARD Name: Das Erste actual: 2
ONID: 0001 TSID: 044d SID: 6dcb Prov: ARD Name: Bayerisches FS actual: 2
ONID: 0001 TSID: 044d SID: 6dcc Prov: ARD Name: hr-fernsehen actual: 2
ONID: 0001 TSID: 044d SID: 6dcd Prov: ARD Name: arte actual: 2
ONID: 0001 TSID: 044d SID: 6dcf Prov: ARD Name: WDR Köln actual: 2
ONID: 0001 TSID: 044d SID: 6dd0 Prov: ARD Name: BR-alpha actual: 2
ONID: 0001 TSID: 044d SID: 6dd1 Prov: ARD Name: SÃDWEST Ferns. BW actual: 2
ONID: 0001 TSID: 044d SID: 6dd2 Prov: ARD Name: Phoenix actual: 2
ONID: 0001 TSID: 044d SID: 6de2 Prov: ARD Name: Test-R actual: 2
total size of memory occupied by chunks handed out by malloc: 499156
total bytes memory allocated with `sbrk' by malloc, in bytes: 2389308 (2333kb, 2.28MB)
Segmentation fault