1. We noticed that some cable operators in the UK are putting long descriptions in the short description markup causing the secondsExtendedTextCache to be ignored. Is that something worth changing in the cvs or is that too specific to us in the UK! (those lines:
Code: Alles auswählen
if ((evt.getExtendedText().length() > 0) &&
(evt.times.begin()->startzeit < zeit + secondsExtendedTextCache))
if (evt.getText().length() > 0)
we could have the && (evt.times.begin()->startzeit < zeit + secondsExtendedTextCache) restriction on the if (evt.getText().length() > 0) as well.
2. I'm working on getting 7 days epg from a different pid on our UK cable operator and I found a problem with the event_id marker... basically for the same event, the standard and the 7 days feed have a different event_id which causes duplicates when adding an event because the unique key is made of the channel freq + the event_id.... how about having that unique key made of the channel freg + the start_date/time?
I remember having the same kind of problems when I scripted my online EPG grabber (taking the data from a website an generating the xml files that sectionsd is then reading by using the sectionsdcontrol --repg) because I didn't have an event_id from the online feed!
Surely other grabbers have the same problems (TvInfo/Klack) and changing the unique key will get rid of the duplicates (events from the download and events from the stream)?
Any thoughts?