thanks for joining. For the record, this is about the -martii branch.
marco_silva85 hat geschrieben:1. When viewing a TV channel, the info bar popups frequently, like every 5 minutes. Is this a feature or a bug? (If it's the first, can I disable it?).
This could be related to the "Show infobar at program start" or "Info on EPG change" options (OSD menue). The former will update the info bar whenever the current-next information changes, but I honestly don't know what to expect from the latter (which triggers the original CST code).
marco_silva85 hat geschrieben:2. When in standby mode, STB is still outputting a black image to the TV (SCART connection). Can this be disabled?
The preferably option would likely be to deactivate SCART pin 8 to actually switch off the TV. I don't think that's a driver option.
marco_silva85 hat geschrieben:3. When streaming to a PC on LAN, the box tuner freezes after some seconds (and also the stream), and that channel can't be tunned-in again (all others still work). Is there a file where I could config the stream options?
First time I hear of that issue. Streaming works just fine for me, with both VLC (on Mac) and timote (Android, obviously). No, there are no configuration options.
marco_silva85 hat geschrieben:Any problem with overclocking it by default to 550Mhz?
Never seen a problem related to that, neither on Pingulux nor on GM990CR.