dbox2 cvs and Dream Multimedia DM7000S receiver

Sammlung von Anleitungen und HowTos für dBox2
Beiträge: 42
Registriert: Dienstag 8. Dezember 2009, 19:46

dbox2 cvs and Dream Multimedia DM7000S receiver

Beitrag von shylock_1 »

It seems to me I hit the rock bottom with dbox2 CVS cause it needs Nokia receiver while I have Dream Box DM 7000S (satellite).

I wonder is there any way I can make image for Dream Box DM7000S receiver so I can flash this new image just to test its viability, all the work put in to get this baby roll?

I am sure sure there must be some way to produce an image for Dream Multimedia DM7000S receiver? I have analysed all most all the make (command statements) which I found at this site and other.

Thanks in advance.

ps: Sorry for the fonts size; as my eye sight is declining, difficult to read small fonts text.
Beiträge: 1833
Registriert: Mittwoch 10. April 2002, 14:39

Re: dbox2 cvs and Dream Multimedia DM7000S receiver

Beitrag von dietmarw »