DVB Subtitles in CABEL Dbox2

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Registriert: Mittwoch 25. August 2004, 21:42

DVB Subtitles in CABEL Dbox2

Beitrag von Stonesto »


Is there workking subtitle plugins for DVB cable broadcast?

If not, how to do new or modify some excisting plugins?

In Scandinavian countries almost all foreign
broadcast is with subtile, no dubbing at all
Zuletzt geändert von Stonesto am Donnerstag 26. August 2004, 06:13, insgesamt 1-mal geändert.
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Beitrag von rasc »

Mhh, is there a channel doing DVB subtitles?
(Never seen one...)
Beiträge: 2614
Registriert: Montag 20. Mai 2002, 10:49
Image: JTG-Image [IDE] Version 2.4.4
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Beitrag von DrStoned »

rasc hat geschrieben:Mhh, is there a channel doing DVB subtitles?
(Never seen one...)
Schau mal auf den Wohnort, da könnte es schon sein.

Greetz von DrStoned :lol: :lol: :lol:
Greetz von DrStoned :lol: :lol: :lol:
Beiträge: 4
Registriert: Dienstag 31. August 2004, 17:11

Beitrag von Jurppo »

Sorry in English, I write this language faster than German .. :lol:

Stonesto, yes, they use DVB subtitling for example in Finnland (YLE channels, public broadcasting) and Norway (NRK).

Latest Yadi/Enigma supports it, just press yellow button and go to selection "subtitles". Over "subtitles" use buttons left/right to activate language of subtitles you want.

Problem is that it doesn't work yet fully properly.

- it doesn't remember settings saved (language selections of subtitles), when you change channel, you must again activate subtitling language
- when subtitle changes, it sometimes leaves fragments of "older subtitles" to screen (doesn't refresh properly when changing subtitle, specially right side of screen)

Would be also nice to store subtitles (bitmaps) to mounted harddisc with timecodes, when recording video.

There exists also bullz_text which is now available as a plugin for Enigma. Who has got it working with dbox?
Beiträge: 4
Registriert: Dienstag 31. August 2004, 17:11

Beitrag von Jurppo »

rasc hat geschrieben:Mhh, is there a channel doing DVB subtitles?
(Never seen one...)
I think norwegian channels NRK1 and NRK2 when they have movies and foreign series, from Thor 1'W 12322H.

But in cable DVB-subtitling is widely used in Sweden, Finland, Denmark and Norway.

About DVB-subtitling