I like RuDbox Neutrino, but no longer supported. To activate the "Full Duplex" (LAN), except hardware intervention, is needed and a new version of U-Boot?
Is it possible to change the version of U-Boot with the new?
Version of kernel 2.4.34, U-Boot - 1.1.4,
JFFS2 version 2.2. , Squashfs: version 3.0, HDD fs - Ext3 (Ext2)
I have installed IDE / SATA interface, but record high bitrates is impossible and constantly interrupted. File system is Ext3, if it shifts to Ext2, whether it will improve the speed record?
Now, in the presence of IDE/SATA, also excites me questions about boot from HDD.
Is it possible? Whether the image has to start from the HDD?
Excuse me for bad English.
Half Duplex to Full Duplex, and boot from HDD
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- Registriert: Sonntag 14. Februar 2010, 18:32
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Re: Half Duplex to Full Duplex, and boot from HDD
No, you just have to do the hardware modifications and activate the full duplex mode in the menu.jonia hat geschrieben:Hello,
To activate the "Full Duplex" (LAN), except hardware intervention, is needed and a new version of U-Boot?
Yes, ext2 will improve the recording speed, as you can see in the following chart:jonia hat geschrieben:I have installed IDE / SATA interface, but record high bitrates is impossible and constantly interrupted. File system is Ext3, if it shifts to Ext2, whether it will improve the speed record?

(source: d-box2.net)
It isn't possible at the moment.jonia hat geschrieben:Is it possible? Whether the image has to start from the HDD?
See the following thread:
http://www.tuxbox-cvs.sourceforge.net/f ... 10&t=48739
(maybe google etc. can translate it into your language)
Yes it is possible, but i can't tell you how to do it. I don't know it yetjonia hat geschrieben:Is it possible to change the version of U-Boot with the new?

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- Registriert: Sonntag 2. November 2003, 12:36
Re: Half Duplex to Full Duplex, and boot from HDD
You need a newer kernel to get full duplex support.
And your illegal image is not supported here.
And your illegal image is not supported here.
- Neugieriger
- Beiträge: 5
- Registriert: Sonntag 14. Februar 2010, 18:32
Re: Half Duplex to Full Duplex, and boot from HDD
Thank OSi, seife,seife hat geschrieben:You need a newer kernel to get full duplex support.
And your illegal image is not supported here.
I understand that for "full duplex", has a new kernel, I thought that was sufficient and a new U-Boot.
Of ru-neutrino kernel is 2.4.34, and U-boot - 1.1.4, quite old ... But there is no source code. I image that we built, is pretty much functionality ru-neutrino ...
Otherwise there are very good Keywett, and etc image.
Already switched from ext3 filesystem on ext2, as I hope to improve the record. (3sat - for example). And today will check how record/read the new file system.
Yes, the record in higher bitrate of 5000-5500kb is not stable, and often interrupted with a message about not enough speed record. Interruptions are rare, but it has. Improvement in comparison with ext3, and according to the graph is twice as good write speed.
Sorry for bad English.
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- Registriert: Samstag 8. September 2007, 16:17
Re: Half Duplex to Full Duplex, and boot from HDD
seife hat geschrieben:your illegal image is not supported here.