Das ganze hat mir keine Ruhe gelassen
Mit diesem Patch flackert es mit meiner Box nicht mehr und die Ecken sind gerundet.
Code: Alles auswählen
diff -Naurw ./tuxbox_source/apps/tuxbox/neutrino/src/gui/channellist.cpp ./tuxbox_diff/apps/tuxbox/neutrino/src/gui/channellist.cpp
--- ./tuxbox_source/apps/tuxbox/neutrino/src/gui/channellist.cpp 2010-05-26 17:38:28.020861479 +0200
+++ ./tuxbox_diff/apps/tuxbox/neutrino/src/gui/channellist.cpp 2010-05-27 09:17:31.893517302 +0200
@@ -503,6 +503,7 @@
frameBuffer->paintBackgroundBoxRel(x, y, width, height+ info_height+ 5);
clearItem2DetailsLine ();
+ alreadyPainted = false;
//displayNext = 0; // always start with current events
@@ -1018,8 +1019,10 @@
if (!alreadyPainted) //reduce flickering of infobox
- frameBuffer->paintBoxRel(x - 4, y + height, 20, info_height, COL_MENUCONTENT_PLUS_1, RADIUS_MID);
- frameBuffer->paintBoxRel(x - 3, y + height, width + 3, info_height, COL_MENUCONTENT_PLUS_6, RADIUS_MID);
+ frameBuffer->paintBoxRel(x+4, y+height ,width-10, 2, COL_MENUCONTENT_PLUS_6);
+ frameBuffer->paintBoxRel(x+4, y+height+info_height-2, width-10, 2, COL_MENUCONTENT_PLUS_6);
+ frameBuffer->paintBoxRel(x-3, y+height, 20, info_height, COL_MENUCONTENT_PLUS_6, RADIUS_MID, CORNER_LEFT);
+ frameBuffer->paintBoxRel(x+width-20, y+height, 20, info_height, COL_MENUCONTENT_PLUS_6, RADIUS_MID, CORNER_RIGHT);
alreadyPainted = true;
frameBuffer->paintBoxRel(x + 2, y + height + 2, width - 4, info_height - 4, COL_MENUCONTENTDARK_PLUS_0, RADIUS_MID);
cu FlatTV