hat geschrieben:Software Update Wizard - Agreement
Do not perform updates using any data other than the official update data from our website.
Using software updates you expressly acknowledge and agree that use of this Software is at your own risk.
In no event Coolstream LTD shall be liable for any damages whatever.
Contact for any questions about our software.
V2.04 (17.11.2011) HD1, NEO1, ZEE, NEO2
This release will upgrade your Kernel on first boot if not already!!!
Please dont power off your receiver bevore upgrade is!
- Enable multirecording capability on same transpoder
You can record up to 8 channels
- add support for 24bit PNGs
- show counter of stopped recordings in messagebox
- add new icons
And many bugfixes
Coolstream Firmware v2.04
Coolstream Firmware v2.04
Zuletzt geändert von dbt am Dienstag 27. März 2012, 17:36, insgesamt 1-mal geändert.
Grund: Markierung "Wichtig" entfernt
Grund: Markierung "Wichtig" entfernt