habe hier eine ganz zickige Nokia Satbox und versuche die gerade in den Debugmodus zu kriegen. Habe vorher schon 2 Nokia Kabel und eine Phillips Sat problemlos zum laufen gekriegt.
Diese Box will jedoch noch net so ganz, und bricht jedesmal bei der Ausführung des Scriptes ab.
Habe leider keine Ahnung woran das liegen könnte.
Code: Alles auswählen
***Adapter Desc: Realtek RTL8029(AS) Ethernet Adapt
***MAC address: 00:50:BF:09:28:4B Local IP: (via Packet-Driver #1)
***BootP server started... Port 67
***TFTP server started... Port 69
BootP> Request from 00:50:9C:42:F2:B5 (assuming that this is DBox).
BootP> Answer sent!
TFTP> Started TFTP-Transfer for "D:\dbox2\minflsh\kernel\os"...
TFTP> Transfer finished, sent 2444 blocks
RARP> Answer sent to 00:50:9C:42:F2:B5 with DBox-IP:
1 - mountd: mount: path: D/dbox2/minflsh/
> help
ChorusOS r3 rsh daemon - valid commands are:
mount [hostaddr:filesystem|special_file [mount_point]]
umount [-v|-F|-f|-a|-t [ufs|nfs]] [special_file]
swapon mount_point
arun [-s site] [-S | -U] [-k] [-T] [-d] [-q] [-D] [-Z] actor_name [actor arguments]
akill [-s site] [-c] aid
aps [-s site]
route [add | delete [net | host] args]
ping host
echo string
setenv var value
unsetenv var
source filename
sleep [time in seconds, default=1s]
> echo Test
> setenv PATH /root/platform/bin:/root/bin:/usr/bin:/usr/siege/bin:/mnt/bin
> setenv TZ MET-01METDST-02,J84,J302
> setenv LD_LIBRARY_PATH /root/platform/lib:/root/lib:/usr/lib:/root/platform/mpc8xx-dbox2/lib:/root/platform/nokia-dbox2/lib
> setenv SIEGEHOME /usr/siege
> setenv CLASSPATH /usr/siege/lib/siege.jar:/usr/siege/lib/junior.jar:.
> umount /lost+found
/lost+found: not currently mounted
C_INIT: usage: umount [-v|-F|-f|-a|-t [ufs|nfs]] [special_file]
> umount /
> mount /
C_INIT: mount on /
; Und nun ins Terminalfenster (vorherige Seite) kucken!
> arun initactor -v -V -i 4
started aid = 10
INIT Version 0.9 loaded
INIT: library path: "LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/root/platform/nokia-dbox2/lib:/root/platform/lib:/root/lib:/usr/lib:/root/platform/mpc8xx-dbox2/lib:/root/platform/nokia-dbox2/lib"
INIT: start run level 2
INIT: execute "ddf"
INIT: time: 16 sec, 990000000 nsec
INIT: started aid = 11
INIT: execute "upgrade"
INIT: time: 20 sec, 900000000 nsec
INIT: afexec of upgrade failed - No such file or directory
INIT: start run level 3
INIT: execute "wsysserver"
INIT: time: 24 sec, 0 nsec
INIT: afexec of wsysserver failed - No such file or directory
INIT: execute "dooractor"
INIT: time: 26 sec, 400000000 nsec
INIT: afexec of dooractor failed - No such file or directory
INIT: execute "nameserver"
INIT: time: 29 sec, 200000000 nsec
INIT: afexec of nameserver failed - No such file or directory
INIT: execute "pppd"
INIT: time: 31 sec, 600000000 nsec
INIT: afexec of pppd failed - No such file or directory
INIT: execute "inetNSdns -env"
INIT: time: 34 sec, 400000000 nsec
INIT: afexec of inetNSdns failed - No such file or directory
INIT: execute "bcsubsystem"
INIT: time: 36 sec, 800000000 nsec
INIT: afexec of bcsubsystem failed - No such file or directory
INIT: execute "casubsystem"
INIT: time: 39 sec, 600000000 nsec
INIT: afexec of casubsystem failed - No such file or directory
INIT: execute "dvbsubsystem"
INIT: time: 42 sec, 0 nsec
INIT: afexec of dvbsubsystem failed - No such file or directory
INIT: start run level 4
INIT: execute "setenv SIEGEHOME /usr/siege"
INIT: execute "setenv CLASSPATH /usr/siege/lib/siege.jar:/usr/siege/lib/junior.jar:."
INIT: execute "siegep junior.finder.StartUp"
INIT: time: 45 sec, 720000000 nsec
INIT: afexec of siegep failed - No such file or directory
DebugEnabler (c) tmbinc, gillem
bl-version : 1.2
diag-switch? at : 1000095C
current state : locked
flashrom type : INTEL
unprotecting : OK!
flashing NOW : 00920092 - FAILED!!!
Vielleicht hat jemand von euch 'ne Idee was da klemmen könnte.