Ich verzweifele an Sagem 2 AMD :-(((

Domestos & Derivate
Beiträge: 13
Registriert: Dienstag 13. August 2002, 20:15

Ich verzweifele an Sagem 2 AMD :-(((

Beitrag von cybermaniac »

Habe genau nach Anleitung gearbeitet, Pin 14 ( beide) auf 9 V gelegt , Stecker gezogen , Minflash ( nachdem der Stecker wieder drin war) getartet. Script läuft auch durch danach box neu gestartet und Brücke aufgehoben. Aber ich bin nicht im Debug :-(((( Ich bin langsam am Verzweifeln

Hier nochmal das Log aus dem RSH Client:

> echo Test
> setenv PATH /root/platform/bin:/root/bin:/usr/bin:/usr/siege/bin:/mnt/bin
> setenv TZ MET-01METDST-02,J84,J302
> setenv LD_LIBRARY_PATH /root/platform/lib:/root/lib:/usr/lib:/root/platform/mpc8xx-dbox2/lib:/root/platform/nokia-dbox2/lib
> setenv SIEGEHOME /usr/siege
> setenv CLASSPATH /usr/siege/lib/siege.jar:/usr/siege/lib/junior.jar:.
> umount /lost+found
/lost+found: not currently mounted
C_INIT: usage: umount [-v|-F|-f|-a|-t [ufs|nfs]] [special_file]
> umount /
> mount /
C_INIT: mount on /
; Und nun ins Terminalfenster (vorherige Seite) kucken!
> arun initactor -v -V -i 4
started aid = 10
INIT Version 0.9 loaded
INIT: library path: "LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/root/platform/sagem-dbox2/lib:/root/platform/lib:/root/lib:/usr/lib:/root/platform/mpc8xx-dbox2/lib:/root/platform/nokia-dbox2/lib"
INIT: start run level 2
INIT: execute "ddf"
INIT: time: 11 sec, 460000000 nsec
INIT: started aid = 11
INIT: execute "upgrade"
INIT: time: 15 sec, 410000000 nsec
INIT: afexec of upgrade failed - No such file or directory
INIT: start run level 3
INIT: execute "wsysserver"
INIT: time: 18 sec, 520000000 nsec
INIT: afexec of wsysserver failed - No such file or directory
INIT: execute "dooractor"
INIT: time: 20 sec, 920000000 nsec
INIT: afexec of dooractor failed - No such file or directory
INIT: execute "nameserver"
INIT: time: 23 sec, 730000000 nsec
INIT: afexec of nameserver failed - No such file or directory
INIT: execute "pppd"
INIT: time: 26 sec, 130000000 nsec
INIT: afexec of pppd failed - No such file or directory
INIT: execute "inetNSdns -env"
INIT: time: 28 sec, 930000000 nsec
INIT: afexec of inetNSdns failed - No such file or directory
INIT: execute "bcsubsystem"
INIT: time: 31 sec, 330000000 nsec
INIT: afexec of bcsubsystem failed - No such file or directory
INIT: execute "casubsystem"
INIT: time: 34 sec, 130000000 nsec
INIT: afexec of casubsystem failed - No such file or directory
INIT: execute "dvbsubsystem"
INIT: time: 36 sec, 530000000 nsec
INIT: afexec of dvbsubsystem failed - No such file or directory
INIT: start run level 4
INIT: execute "setenv SIEGEHOME /usr/siege"
INIT: execute "setenv CLASSPATH /usr/siege/lib/siege.jar:/usr/siege/lib/junior.jar:."
INIT: execute "siegep junior.finder.StartUp"
INIT: time: 40 sec, 240000000 nsec
INIT: afexec of siegep failed - No such file or directory
! Execution stopped!
> help
! Couldn't connect to DBOX! (Timeout..?)
> echo Test
! Couldn't connect to DBOX! (Timeout..?)
! Execution stopped!
> echo Test
! Couldn't connect to DBOX! (Timeout..?)
! Execution stopped!
> echo Test
! Couldn't connect to DBOX! (Timeout..?)
! Execution stopped!
> echo Test
! Couldn't connect to DBOX! (Timeout..?)
! Execution stopped!
> echo Test
! Couldn't connect to DBOX! (Timeout..?)
! Execution stopped!
> mount
! Couldn't connect to DBOX! (Timeout..?)
! Execution stopped!
> echo Test
> setenv PATH /root/platform/bin:/root/bin:/usr/bin:/usr/siege/bin:/mnt/bin
> setenv TZ MET-01METDST-02,J84,J302
> setenv LD_LIBRARY_PATH /root/platform/lib:/root/lib:/usr/lib:/root/platform/mpc8xx-dbox2/lib:/root/platform/nokia-dbox2/lib
> setenv SIEGEHOME /usr/siege
> setenv CLASSPATH /usr/siege/lib/siege.jar:/usr/siege/lib/junior.jar:.
> umount /lost+found
/lost+found: not currently mounted
C_INIT: usage: umount [-v|-F|-f|-a|-t [ufs|nfs]] [special_file]
> umount /
> mount /
C_INIT: mount on /
; Und nun ins Terminalfenster (vorherige Seite) kucken!
> arun initactor -v -V -i 4
started aid = 10
INIT Version 0.9 loaded
INIT: library path: "LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/root/platform/sagem-dbox2/lib:/root/platform/lib:/root/lib:/usr/lib:/root/platform/mpc8xx-dbox2/lib:/root/platform/nokia-dbox2/lib"
INIT: start run level 2
INIT: execute "ddf"
INIT: time: 10 sec, 350000000 nsec
INIT: started aid = 11
INIT: execute "upgrade"
INIT: time: 14 sec, 250000000 nsec
INIT: afexec of upgrade failed - No such file or directory
INIT: start run level 3
INIT: execute "wsysserver"
INIT: time: 17 sec, 350000000 nsec
INIT: afexec of wsysserver failed - No such file or directory
INIT: execute "dooractor"
INIT: time: 19 sec, 760000000 nsec
INIT: afexec of dooractor failed - No such file or directory
INIT: execute "nameserver"
INIT: time: 22 sec, 560000000 nsec
INIT: afexec of nameserver failed - No such file or directory
INIT: execute "pppd"
INIT: time: 24 sec, 960000000 nsec
INIT: afexec of pppd failed - No such file or directory
INIT: execute "inetNSdns -env"
INIT: time: 27 sec, 860000000 nsec
INIT: afexec of inetNSdns failed - No such file or directory
INIT: execute "bcsubsystem"
INIT: time: 30 sec, 270000000 nsec
INIT: afexec of bcsubsystem failed - No such file or directory
INIT: execute "casubsystem"
INIT: time: 33 sec, 80000000 nsec
INIT: afexec of casubsystem failed - No such file or directory
INIT: execute "dvbsubsystem"
INIT: time: 35 sec, 480000000 nsec
INIT: afexec of dvbsubsystem failed - No such file or directory
INIT: start run level 4
INIT: execute "setenv SIEGEHOME /usr/siege"
INIT: execute "setenv CLASSPATH /usr/siege/lib/siege.jar:/usr/siege/lib/junior.jar:."
INIT: execute "siegep junior.finder.StartUp"
INIT: time: 39 sec, 180000000 nsec
INIT: afexec of siegep failed - No such file or directory
! Execution stopped!
> echo Test
! Couldn't connect to DBOX! (Timeout..?)
! Execution stopped!
> echo Test
! Couldn't connect to DBOX! (Timeout..?)
! Execution stopped!
> echo Test
! Couldn't connect to DBOX! (Timeout..?)
! Execution stopped!
> mount
! Couldn't connect to DBOX! (Timeout..?)
! Execution stopped!
> echo Test
> setenv PATH /root/platform/bin:/root/bin:/usr/bin:/usr/siege/bin:/mnt/bin
> setenv TZ MET-01METDST-02,J84,J302
> setenv LD_LIBRARY_PATH /root/platform/lib:/root/lib:/usr/lib:/root/platform/mpc8xx-dbox2/lib:/root/platform/nokia-dbox2/lib
> setenv SIEGEHOME /usr/siege
> setenv CLASSPATH /usr/siege/lib/siege.jar:/usr/siege/lib/junior.jar:.
> umount /lost+found
/lost+found: not currently mounted
C_INIT: usage: umount [-v|-F|-f|-a|-t [ufs|nfs]] [special_file]
> umount /
> mount /
C_INIT: mount on /
; Und nun ins Terminalfenster (vorherige Seite) kucken!
> arun initactor -v -V -i 4
started aid = 10
INIT Version 0.9 loaded
INIT: library path: "LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/root/platform/sagem-dbox2/lib:/root/platform/lib:/root/lib:/usr/lib:/root/platform/mpc8xx-dbox2/lib:/root/platform/nokia-dbox2/lib"
INIT: start run level 2
INIT: execute "ddf"
INIT: time: 18 sec, 150000000 nsec
INIT: started aid = 11
INIT: execute "upgrade"
INIT: time: 22 sec, 70000000 nsec
INIT: afexec of upgrade failed - No such file or directory
INIT: start run level 3
INIT: execute "wsysserver"
INIT: time: 25 sec, 170000000 nsec
INIT: afexec of wsysserver failed - No such file or directory
INIT: execute "dooractor"
INIT: time: 27 sec, 570000000 nsec
INIT: afexec of dooractor failed - No such file or directory
INIT: execute "nameserver"
INIT: time: 30 sec, 370000000 nsec
INIT: afexec of nameserver failed - No such file or directory
INIT: execute "pppd"
INIT: time: 32 sec, 780000000 nsec
INIT: afexec of pppd failed - No such file or directory
INIT: execute "inetNSdns -env"
INIT: time: 35 sec, 580000000 nsec
INIT: afexec of inetNSdns failed - No such file or directory
INIT: execute "bcsubsystem"
INIT: time: 37 sec, 990000000 nsec
INIT: afexec of bcsubsystem failed - No such file or directory
INIT: execute "casubsystem"
INIT: time: 40 sec, 790000000 nsec
INIT: afexec of casubsystem failed - No such file or directory
INIT: execute "dvbsubsystem"
INIT: time: 43 sec, 190000000 nsec
INIT: afexec of dvbsubsystem failed - No such file or directory
INIT: start run level 4
INIT: execute "setenv SIEGEHOME /usr/siege"
INIT: execute "setenv CLASSPATH /usr/siege/lib/siege.jar:/usr/siege/lib/junior.jar:."
INIT: execute "siegep junior.finder.StartUp"
INIT: time: 46 sec, 890000000 nsec
INIT: afexec of siegep failed - No such file or directory
! Execution stopped!
> mount
root_device mount on / (flfs)
> setenv PATH /root/platform/bin:/root/bin:/usr/bin:/usr/siege/bin:/mnt/bin
> setenv TZ MET-01METDST-02,J84,J302
> setenv LD_LIBRARY_PATH /root/platform/lib:/root/lib:/usr/lib:/root/platform/mpc8xx-dbox2/lib:/root/platform/nokia-dbox2/lib
> setenv SIEGEHOME /usr/siege
> setenv CLASSPATH /usr/siege/lib/siege.jar:/usr/siege/lib/junior.jar:.
> umount /lost+found
/lost+found: not currently mounted
C_INIT: usage: umount [-v|-F|-f|-a|-t [ufs|nfs]] [special_file]
> umount /
> mount /
C_INIT: mount on /
; Und nun ins Terminalfenster (vorherige Seite) kucken!
> arun initactor -v -V -i 4
started aid = 10
INIT Version 0.9 loaded
INIT: library path: "LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/root/platform/sagem-dbox2/lib:/root/platform/lib:/root/lib:/usr/lib:/root/platform/mpc8xx-dbox2/lib:/root/platform/nokia-dbox2/lib"
INIT: start run level 2
INIT: execute "ddf"
INIT: time: 26 sec, 300000000 nsec
INIT: started aid = 11
INIT: execute "upgrade"
INIT: time: 30 sec, 210000000 nsec
INIT: afexec of upgrade failed - No such file or directory
INIT: start run level 3
INIT: execute "wsysserver"
INIT: time: 33 sec, 310000000 nsec
INIT: afexec of wsysserver failed - No such file or directory
INIT: execute "dooractor"
INIT: time: 35 sec, 710000000 nsec
INIT: afexec of dooractor failed - No such file or directory
INIT: execute "nameserver"
INIT: time: 38 sec, 510000000 nsec
INIT: afexec of nameserver failed - No such file or directory
INIT: execute "pppd"
INIT: time: 40 sec, 920000000 nsec
INIT: afexec of pppd failed - No such file or directory
INIT: execute "inetNSdns -env"
INIT: time: 43 sec, 720000000 nsec
INIT: afexec of inetNSdns failed - No such file or directory
INIT: execute "bcsubsystem"
INIT: time: 46 sec, 120000000 nsec
INIT: afexec of bcsubsystem failed - No such file or directory
INIT: execute "casubsystem"
INIT: time: 48 sec, 920000000 nsec
INIT: afexec of casubsystem failed - No such file or directory
INIT: execute "dvbsubsystem"
INIT: time: 51 sec, 340000000 nsec
INIT: afexec of dvbsubsystem failed - No such file or directory
INIT: start run level 4
INIT: execute "setenv SIEGEHOME /usr/siege"
INIT: execute "setenv CLASSPATH /usr/siege/lib/siege.jar:/usr/siege/lib/junior.jar:."
INIT: execute "siegep junior.finder.StartUp"
INIT: time: 55 sec, 40000000 nsec
INIT: afexec of siegep failed - No such file or directory
! Execution stopped!
> echo Test
! Couldn't connect to DBOX! (Timeout..?)
! Execution stopped!
> mount
! Couldn't connect to DBOX! (Timeout..?)
! Execution stopped!
> mount
! Couldn't connect to DBOX! (Timeout..?)
! Execution stopped!
> echo Test
! Couldn't connect to DBOX! (Timeout..?)
! Execution stopped!
> help
ChorusOS r3 rsh daemon - valid commands are:

mount [hostaddr:filesystem|special_file [mount_point]]
umount [-v|-F|-f|-a|-t [ufs|nfs]] [special_file]
swapon mount_point
arun [-s site] [-S | -U] [-k] [-T] [-d] [-q] [-D] [-Z] actor_name [actor arguments]
akill [-s site] [-c] aid
aps [-s site]
route [add | delete [net | host] args]
ping host
echo string
setenv var value
unsetenv var
source filename
sleep [time in seconds, default=1s]

Kann mir jemand helfen???
Oberlamer, Administrator & Supernanny
Beiträge: 10532
Registriert: Samstag 13. Juli 2002, 10:49

Beitrag von DieMade »

Probier doch mal die neue Variante: http://www.dietmar-h.net/mhc_debug.html

P.S.: Was steht denn im COM-Terminal???
There are 10 types of people in the world: those who know binary and those who don't