Neutino and "ProTv Intl" (Hotbird 13)

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Neutino and "ProTv Intl" (Hotbird 13)

Beitrag von agigi02 »

I have installed recently Neutrino on my Phillips Dbox2,
(image alexW..1.6.8, cdk.cramfs from 5.mar.2003).

I have a problem related to one transporder on the Hotbird 13 ("ProTv",
Freq = 12.198,Transponder 75, Polarisation H, SR 12130, 7/8) .

I've tried hundred of times, but was not possible to find this transponder with channel autosearch option.

Is any possibility to generate a manual search, with Neutrino?
Is possible that the low SR (only 12130) for this transponder to generate my problem?

Thanks in advance for your time.
