gibt es eine Moeglichkeit sender liste nach sendungs typen zu sortieren? Zum Beispiel alle Horrors in eine Liste, Libesfilme in andere und so weiter?
Senderliste nach themen sortieren?
- Einsteiger
- Beiträge: 223
- Registriert: Samstag 25. Januar 2003, 11:18
- Oberlamer, Administrator & Supernanny
- Beiträge: 10532
- Registriert: Samstag 13. Juli 2002, 10:49
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- Registriert: Dienstag 13. August 2002, 22:40
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- Beiträge: 223
- Registriert: Samstag 25. Januar 2003, 11:18
mit ZDF - horror ist gut. Vielleich hab' ich mich falsch ausgedrueckt. Ich meinte was anderes. Zum Beispiel heute habe ich lust einen Action-Film anzusehen, ich sortire alle Sendungen von allen Sendern (also doch nich sender liste sortieren) die zur Zeit laufen nach Kategorie und somit bekomme alle Actions in überblick.harbad hat geschrieben:wie sollte das gehen. definiere mal ard und zdf. das wäre dann wohl horror. du kannst dir die sender so sortieren wie du willst. einfach in der bouquet.xml ein paar neue bouquet's anlegen und dahinverschieben.
- Erleuchteter
- Beiträge: 521
- Registriert: Dienstag 21. Mai 2002, 12:53
- Einsteiger
- Beiträge: 223
- Registriert: Samstag 25. Januar 2003, 11:18
Do you mind if if i try to write something for EPG browsing regarding movie's genre.
I see it as a feature for Neutrino, because i'm using only neutrino.
I will expand "green" key to a submenu, where you can select following items
"plain browsing for current channel" (current implementation),
"browsing by genry, current boguett"
"browsing by genry, all boguetts"
By selecting second and third menu items i will collect EPG info for all (or for current ) channel, then i will order the data by movie's genry and start time and show the list of genries which are currently available. By selecting a genry the list of movie's names and start times will be shown on the screen.
By selecting of a movie I will show it's descriprion how it is currently shown by pressing '?' key.
I don't know wheither the collecting of EPG data is fast enought if i collect EPG data for all chanels.
Does have someone except me the interest on the feature? I mean should i make the feature public?
Do you mind if if i try to write something for EPG browsing regarding movie's genre.
I see it as a feature for Neutrino, because i'm using only neutrino.
I will expand "green" key to a submenu, where you can select following items
"plain browsing for current channel" (current implementation),
"browsing by genry, current boguett"
"browsing by genry, all boguetts"
By selecting second and third menu items i will collect EPG info for all (or for current ) channel, then i will order the data by movie's genry and start time and show the list of genries which are currently available. By selecting a genry the list of movie's names and start times will be shown on the screen.
By selecting of a movie I will show it's descriprion how it is currently shown by pressing '?' key.
I don't know wheither the collecting of EPG data is fast enought if i collect EPG data for all chanels.
Does have someone except me the interest on the feature? I mean should i make the feature public?
- Erleuchteter
- Beiträge: 521
- Registriert: Dienstag 21. Mai 2002, 12:53
- Neugieriger
- Beiträge: 11
- Registriert: Freitag 15. August 2003, 17:52
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- Beiträge: 23
- Registriert: Dienstag 19. August 2003, 00:19