Compiled enigma not working

Beiträge: 3
Registriert: Freitag 16. Juli 2004, 11:07

Compiled enigma not working

Beitrag von arachaz »

Hi all,

1) I compiled enigma from the latest files got through CVS.(rel_0_0_0_1 branch)
2) I striped the output to obtain the final enigma executable.
3) I decompacted the official rel108.img using undreamboxfs.
4) I replaced the enigma executable found in /bin directory by the one I compiled.
5) I used mkdreamboxfs from Hydron to compact the directories on a single image which I named "myimage".
6) Since I already have other images working on my HDD, I used dreamflash4b to instal the new image on my HDD.
7) When I launch the new image I get a blank screen.

What have I done wrong ?
How to insure that I have correctly compiled enigma ?
Is there any mean to debug the enigma executable ?

Thanks my friends
All that is worth doing must be well done.
Ethan Hunt
Beiträge: 80
Registriert: Dienstag 5. Februar 2002, 16:55

Beitrag von Ethan Hunt »

you should connect via a serial cable to see what goes wrong while booting enigma.
for further questions please refer to the dreambox support board