root_dream/*' not found

Kreuzuebersetzer, Diskussion über Änderungen im Tuxbox-CDK und Tuxbox-CVS
Beiträge: 2675
Registriert: Donnerstag 28. September 2006, 19:18

root_dream/*' not found

Beitrag von dbt »

Code: Alles auswählen

I am testing that you have the required versions of libtool, autoconf,
automake, make, gettext, gcc, and g++.

checking for libtool >= 1.4.2 ... yes (version 1.5.24)
checking for autoconf >= 2.57a ... yes (version 2.61)
checking for automake >= 1.8 ... yes (version 1.10)
checking for gettext >= 0.12.1 ... yes (version 0.16)
checking for make >= 3.80 ... yes (version 3.81)
checking for gcc >= 3.0 or = 2.95 ... yes (version 4.2.1)
checking for g++ >= 3.0 or = 2.95 ... yes (version 4.2.1)

Generating configuration files for tuxbox-cdk, please wait.... required file `root_dream/' not found required file `root_dream/etc/' not found required file `root_dream/etc/init.d/' not found required file `root_dream/share/' not found required file `root_dream/share/tuxbox/' not found required file `root_dream/share/udhcpc/' not found required file `root_dream/var_init/' not found required file `root_dream/var_init/etc/' not found required file `root_dream/var_init/tuxbox/' not found required file `root_dream/var_init/tuxbox/config/' not found required file `root_dream/var_init/tuxbox/config/enigma/' not found
autoreconf: automake failed with exit status: 1
Da fehlt einiges, aber nicht weil ich das irgendwie nicht auschecken wollte.

Code: Alles auswählen

cvs -d -z3 co -P .

Damit wird das komplette Rep ausgecheckt. Kann das jemand bestätigen? :gruebel:
Zuletzt geändert von dbt am Dienstag 28. April 2009, 18:19, insgesamt 1-mal geändert.
Beiträge: 4335
Registriert: Donnerstag 3. April 2008, 14:05

Re: root_dream/*' not found

Beitrag von rhabarber1848 »

dbt hat geschrieben:

Code: Alles auswählen

cvs -d -z3 co -P .

Damit wird das komplette Rep ausgecheckt. Kann das jemand bestätigen? :gruebel:

Das fehlende Verzeichnis liegt in cdk/, es heißt also cdk/root_dream/
Beiträge: 2675
Registriert: Donnerstag 28. September 2006, 19:18

Re: root_dream/*' not found

Beitrag von dbt »

Beiträge: 4189
Registriert: Sonntag 2. November 2003, 12:36

Re: root_dream/*' not found

Beitrag von seife »

Ich habe gerade eben mit exakt der obengenannten Kommandozeile ausgecheckt und habe nun das:

Code: Alles auswählen

seife@md-ferrari1000:/dev/shm/test> l cdk/root_dream/
total 4
drwxr-xr-x  6 seife users 140 28. Apr 19:41 ./
drwxr-xr-x 10 seife users 560 28. Apr 19:41 ../
drwxr-xr-x  2 seife users 120 28. Apr 19:41 CVS/
drwxr-xr-x  4 seife users 400 28. Apr 19:41 etc/
-rw-r--r--  1 seife users  79 20. Apr 19:53
drwxr-xr-x  5 seife users 140 28. Apr 19:41 share/
drwxr-xr-x  5 seife users 140 28. Apr 19:41 var_init/
Also bei mir ist alles da.
Mach mal "cvs update -dP" in deinem cdk/ Verzeichnis, evtl. hilfts ja.
Beiträge: 2675
Registriert: Donnerstag 28. September 2006, 19:18

Re: root_dream/*' not found

Beitrag von dbt »

Ok ,beim checkout in ein leeres Verzeichnis ist der Ordner da, aber in meinem existierendem cvs-tree wird der verschluckt. Ich habe das jetzt von Hand geändert und so passt das jetzt. Cvs scheint irgendwie seine eigenen CVS-Ordner nicht zu aktualisieren. Da fehlen die Einträge dafür. Böse Falle :-?
Beiträge: 4189
Registriert: Sonntag 2. November 2003, 12:36

Re: root_dream/*' not found

Beitrag von seife »

beim "update -dP"? Das holt bei mir AFAIR immer alles.
Beiträge: 2675
Registriert: Donnerstag 28. September 2006, 19:18

Re: root_dream/*' not found

Beitrag von dbt »

Da war CrossVC schuld, anscheinend fehlt die passende Option.
Beiträge: 595
Registriert: Donnerstag 1. Januar 2004, 16:59

Re: root_dream/*' not found

Beitrag von prodigy7 »

Neutrino für meine DM500 baue ich, wenn ich a) entsprechende Configure Optionen angebe und b)

Code: Alles auswählen

make flash-neutrino-all-all
eingebe oder?
Beiträge: 595
Registriert: Donnerstag 1. Januar 2004, 16:59

Re: root_dream/*' not found

Beitrag von prodigy7 »

Scheinbar nur ein Schönheitsfehler:

Code: Alles auswählen

Support for early boot texts over serial port (SERIAL_TEXT_DEBUG) [N/y] n                                                                                                           
* Security options                                                                                                                                                                  
Enable different security models (SECURITY) [N/y/?] n                                                                                                                               
* Cryptographic options                                                                                                                                                             
Cryptographic API (CRYPTO) [N/y/?] n                                                                                                                                                
make[1]: Leaving directory `/public/Development/Dreambox/cdk/linux-2.6.9'                                                                                                           
make -C linux-2.6.9 include/asm \                                                                                                                                                   
/public/Development/Dreambox/cdk/linux-2.6.9/scripts/ line 11: powerpc-tuxbox-linux-gnu-gcc: command not found                                                       
/public/Development/Dreambox/cdk/linux-2.6.9/scripts/ line 12: powerpc-tuxbox-linux-gnu-gcc: command not found                                                       
make[1]: Entering directory `/public/Development/Dreambox/cdk/linux-2.6.9'                                                                                                          
  SYMLINK include/asm -> include/asm-ppc                                                                                                                                            
make[1]: Leaving directory `/public/Development/Dreambox/cdk/linux-2.6.9'                                                                                                           
make -C linux-2.6.9 include/linux/version.h \                                                                                                                                       
/public/Development/Dreambox/cdk/linux-2.6.9/scripts/ line 11: powerpc-tuxbox-linux-gnu-gcc: command not found                                                       
/public/Development/Dreambox/cdk/linux-2.6.9/scripts/ line 12: powerpc-tuxbox-linux-gnu-gcc: command not found                                                       
make[1]: Entering directory `/public/Development/Dreambox/cdk/linux-2.6.9'                                                                                                          
  CHK     include/linux/version.h                                                                                                                                                   
  UPD     include/linux/version.h                                                                                                                                                   
make[1]: Leaving directory `/public/Development/Dreambox/cdk/linux-2.6.9'
touch .deps/linuxdir
Configure Option: --enable-maintainer-mode --with-targetruleset=flash --disable-ide --with-boxtype=dreambox --with-boxmodel=dm500 --enable-upnp --enable-movieplayer2 --enable-dreambox-serial-console
Beiträge: 4189
Registriert: Sonntag 2. November 2003, 12:36

Re: root_dream/*' not found

Beitrag von seife »

Funktioniert bei mir mit:
./configure --enable-maintainer-mode --with-cvsdir=/local/seife/src/tuxbox-dream --prefix=/local/seife/src/tuxbox-dream/root --enable-flashrules --with-logosdir=~/projects/tuxbox/newmake/logos/ --with-ucodesdir=~/projects/tuxbox/newmake/ucodes/ --with-customizationsdir=~/projects/tuxbox/newmake/customization/ --with-assume-kernelsources-old --enable-ccache --with-boxtype=dreambox --with-boxmodel=dm500 --enable-dreambox-serial-console --with-filesystems=nfs --enable-movieplayer2
Beiträge: 595
Registriert: Donnerstag 1. Januar 2004, 16:59

Re: root_dream/*' not found

Beitrag von prodigy7 »

Hm, was soll ich damit anfangen

Code: Alles auswählen

blockNR 17blockNR 18blockNR 19blockNR 20blockNR 21blockNR 22blockNR 23blockNR 24blockNR 25blockNR 26blockNR 27blockNR 28blockNR 29blockNR 30blockNR 31blockNR 32blockNR 33blockNR 34blockNR 35blockNR 36blockNR 37blockNR 38blockNR 39data 63746 , chksum 65294                                                                                                         
hier m�sst es nun im sector 63 weitergehen bei 2x                                                                                                                                   
blockNR 2blockNR 3blockNR 4blockNR 5blockNR 6blockNR 7blockNR 8blockNR 9blockNR 10blockNR 11blockNR 12blockNR 13blockNR 14blockNR 15blockNR 16letzter block                         
blockNR 172x flfs erstellt                                                                                                                                                          
blockNR          : 17                                                                                                                                                               
normal_size  158100  lzo_size  106251                                                                                                                                               
rm -rf u-boot-1.2.0                                                                                                                                                                 
rm /public/Development/Dreambox/boot/u-boot-config/u-boot.config                                                                                                                    
rm -rf /public/Development/Dreambox/root/cdkflash/root-cramfs                                                                                                                       
m4 --define=rootfs=cramfs --define=rootsize=0x660000 Patches/dbox2-flash.c-26.m4 > linux/drivers/mtd/maps/dbox2-flash.c                                                             
sed -e 's/.*CONFIG_CRAMFS[= ].*$/CONFIG_CRAMFS=y/' -e s"/^.*CONFIG_IDE[= ].*/# CONFIG_IDE is not set/" -e s"/^.*CONFIG_BLK_DEV_IDE[= ].*/# CONFIG_BLK_DEV_IDE is not set/" -e s"/^.*CONFIG_BLK_DEV_IDEDISK[= ].*/# CONFIG_BLK_DEV_IDEDISK is not set/" -e s"/^.*CONFIG_MSDOS_PARTITION[= ].*/# CONFIG_MSDOS_PARTITION is not set/" -e s"/^.*CONFIG_EXT2_FS[= ].*/# CONFIG_EXT2_FS is not set/" -e s"/^.*CONFIG_JBD[= ].*/# CONFIG_JBD is not set/" -e s"/^.*CONFIG_EXT3_FS[= ].*/# CONFIG_EXT3_FS is not set/" -e s"/^.*CONFIG_JBD[= ].*/# CONFIG_JBD is not set/" -e s"/^.*CONFIG_XFS_FS[= ].*/# CONFIG_XFS_FS is not set/" -e s"/^.*CONFIG_NFSD[= ].*/# CONFIG_NFSD is not set/" -e s"/^.*CONFIG_NFSD_V3[= ].*/# CONFIG_NFSD_V3 is not set/" -e s"/^.*CONFIG_NFSD_TCP[= ].*/# CONFIG_NFSD_TCP is not set/"  -e s"/^.*CONFIG_FAT_FS[= ].*/# CONFIG_FAT_FS is not set/" -e s"/^.*CONFIG_MSDOS_FS[= ].*/# CONFIG_MSDOS_FS is not set/" -e s"/^.*CONFIG_VFAT_FS[= ].*/# CONFIG_VFAT_FS is not set/" -e "" -e s"/^.*CONFIG_SMB_FS[= ].*/# CONFIG_SMB_FS is not set/" -e s"/^.*CONFIG_SMB_UNIX[= ].*/# CONFIG_SMB_UNIX is not set/" -e s"/^.*CONFIG_NLS[= ].*/# CONFIG_NLS is not set/" -e s"/^.*CONFIG_SQUASHFS_LZMA[= ].*/CONFIG_SQUASHFS_LZMA=y/" -e s"/^.*CONFIG_AUTOFS4_FS[= ].*/\CONFIG_AUTOFS4_FS=m/" Patches/linux- > linux-2.6.9/.config                                                                                                                        
make linux-2.6.9/arch/ppc/boot/images/zImage.treeboot targetprefix=/public/Development/Dreambox/root/cdkflash/root-cramfs                                                           
make[1]: Entering directory `/public/Development/Dreambox/cdk'                                                                                                                      
make -C linux-2.6.9 zImage modules \                                                                                                                                                
                ARCH=ppc \                                                                                                                                                          
make[2]: Entering directory `/public/Development/Dreambox/cdk/linux-2.6.9'                                                                                                          
  CHK     include/linux/version.h                                                                                                                                                   
scripts/kconfig/conf -s arch/ppc/Kconfig 
# using defaults found in .config                                                                                                                                                   
.config:6: trying to assign nonexistent symbol WORD_SIZE                                                                                                                            
.config:8: trying to assign nonexistent symbol GENERIC_HARDIRQS                                                                                                                     
.config:10: trying to assign nonexistent symbol ARCH_HAS_ILOG2_U32                                                                                                                  
.config:11: trying to assign nonexistent symbol ARCH_HAS_ILOG2_U64                                                                                                                  
.config:12: trying to assign nonexistent symbol GENERIC_HWEIGHT                                                                                                                     
.config:13: trying to assign nonexistent symbol GENERIC_CALIBRATE_DELAY                                                                                                             
.config:17: trying to assign nonexistent symbol GENERIC_FIND_NEXT_BIT                                                                                                               
.config:18: trying to assign nonexistent symbol SCHED_NO_NO_OMIT_FRAME_POINTER                                                                                                      
.config:19: trying to assign nonexistent symbol ARCH_MAY_HAVE_PC_FDC                                                                                                                
.config:20: trying to assign nonexistent symbol GENERIC_BUG                                                                                                                         
.config:21: trying to assign nonexistent symbol DEFCONFIG_LIST                                                                                                                      
.config:28: trying to assign nonexistent symbol LOCK_KERNEL                                                                                                                         
.config:29: trying to assign nonexistent symbol INIT_ENV_ARG_LIMIT                                                                                                                  
.config:31: trying to assign nonexistent symbol LOCALVERSION_AUTO                                                                                                                   
.config:36: trying to assign nonexistent symbol TASKSTATS                                                                                                                           
.config:40: trying to assign nonexistent symbol CGROUPS                                                                                                                             
.config:41: trying to assign nonexistent symbol GROUP_SCHED                                                                                                                         
.config:42: trying to assign nonexistent symbol SYSFS_DEPRECATED_V2                                                                                                                 
.config:43: trying to assign nonexistent symbol RELAY                                                                                                                               
.config:44: trying to assign nonexistent symbol NAMESPACES                                                                                                                          
.config:45: trying to assign nonexistent symbol UTS_NS                                                                                                                              
.config:46: trying to assign nonexistent symbol USER_NS                                                                                                                             
.config:47: trying to assign nonexistent symbol PID_NS                                                                                                                              
.config:52: trying to assign nonexistent symbol SYSCTL_SYSCALL                                                                                                                      
.config:56: trying to assign nonexistent symbol PRINTK                                                                                                                              
.config:57: trying to assign nonexistent symbol BUG                                                                                                                                 
.config:58: trying to assign nonexistent symbol ELF_CORE                                                                                                                            
.config:59: trying to assign nonexistent symbol COMPAT_BRK                                                                                                                          
.config:60: trying to assign nonexistent symbol BASE_FULL                                                                                                                           
.config:62: trying to assign nonexistent symbol ANON_INODES                                                                                                                         
.config:64: trying to assign nonexistent symbol SIGNALFD                                                                                                                            
.config:65: trying to assign nonexistent symbol TIMERFD                                                                                                                             
.config:66: trying to assign nonexistent symbol EVENTFD                                                                                                                             
.config:68: trying to assign nonexistent symbol VM_EVENT_COUNTERS                                                                                                                   
.config:69: trying to assign nonexistent symbol SLAB                                                                                                                                
.config:70: trying to assign nonexistent symbol SLUB                                                                                                                                
.config:71: trying to assign nonexistent symbol SLOB                                                                                                                                
.config:73: trying to assign nonexistent symbol MARKERS                                                                                                                             
.config:74: trying to assign nonexistent symbol HAVE_OPROFILE                                                                                                                       
.config:75: trying to assign nonexistent symbol KPROBES                                                                                                                             
.config:76: trying to assign nonexistent symbol HAVE_KPROBES                                                                                                                        
.config:77: trying to assign nonexistent symbol HAVE_KRETPROBES                                                                                                                     
.config:78: trying to assign nonexistent symbol HAVE_DMA_ATTRS                                                                                                                      
.config:79: trying to assign nonexistent symbol PROC_PAGE_MONITOR                                                                                                                   
.config:80: trying to assign nonexistent symbol SLABINFO                                                                                                                            
.config:81: trying to assign nonexistent symbol RT_MUTEXES                                                                                                                          
.config:83: trying to assign nonexistent symbol BASE_SMALL                                                                                                                          
.config:85: trying to assign nonexistent symbol MODULE_FORCE_LOAD                                                                                                                   
.config:89: trying to assign nonexistent symbol MODULE_SRCVERSION_ALL                                                                                                               
.config:91: trying to assign nonexistent symbol BLOCK                                                                                                                               
.config:93: trying to assign nonexistent symbol BLK_DEV_IO_TRACE                                                                                                                    
.config:94: trying to assign nonexistent symbol LSF                                                                                                                                 
.config:95: trying to assign nonexistent symbol BLK_DEV_BSG                                                                                                                         
.config:104: trying to assign nonexistent symbol DEFAULT_AS                                                                                                                         
.config:105: trying to assign nonexistent symbol DEFAULT_DEADLINE                                                                                                                   
.config:106: trying to assign nonexistent symbol DEFAULT_CFQ                                                                                                                        
.config:107: trying to assign nonexistent symbol DEFAULT_NOOP                                                                                                                       
.config:108: trying to assign nonexistent symbol DEFAULT_IOSCHED                                                                                                                    
.config:109: trying to assign nonexistent symbol CLASSIC_RCU                                                                                                                        
.config:118: trying to assign nonexistent symbol PPC_DCR_NATIVE                                                                                                                     
.config:120: trying to assign nonexistent symbol KEXEC                                                                                                                              
.config:122: trying to assign nonexistent symbol WANT_EARLY_SERIAL                                                                                                                  
.config:132: trying to assign nonexistent symbol MPC8XXFADS                                                                                                                         
.config:149: trying to assign nonexistent symbol CPM1                                                                                                                               
.config:151: trying to assign nonexistent symbol ARCH_POPULATES_NODE_MAP                                                                                                            
.config:152: trying to assign nonexistent symbol HZ_100                                                                                                                             
.config:153: trying to assign nonexistent symbol HZ_250                                                                                                                             
.config:154: trying to assign nonexistent symbol HZ_300                                                                                                                             
.config:155: trying to assign nonexistent symbol HZ_1000                                                                                                                            
.config:156: trying to assign nonexistent symbol HZ                                                                                                                                 
.config:157: trying to assign nonexistent symbol SCHED_HRTICK                                                                                                                       
.config:158: trying to assign nonexistent symbol PREEMPT_NONE                                                                                                                       
.config:159: trying to assign nonexistent symbol PREEMPT_VOLUNTARY                                                                                                                  
.config:161: trying to assign nonexistent symbol PREEMPT_RCU                                                                                                                        
.config:162: trying to assign nonexistent symbol SELECT_MEMORY_MODEL                                                                                                                
.config:163: trying to assign nonexistent symbol FLATMEM_MANUAL                                                                                                                     
.config:164: trying to assign nonexistent symbol DISCONTIGMEM_MANUAL                                                                                                                
.config:165: trying to assign nonexistent symbol SPARSEMEM_MANUAL                                                                                                                   
.config:166: trying to assign nonexistent symbol FLATMEM                                                                                                                            
.config:167: trying to assign nonexistent symbol FLAT_NODE_MEM_MAP                                                                                                                  
.config:168: trying to assign nonexistent symbol SPARSEMEM_STATIC                                                                                                                   
.config:169: trying to assign nonexistent symbol SPARSEMEM_VMEMMAP_ENABLE                                                                                                           
.config:170: trying to assign nonexistent symbol PAGEFLAGS_EXTENDED                                                                                                                 
.config:171: trying to assign nonexistent symbol SPLIT_PTLOCK_CPUS                                                                                                                  
.config:172: trying to assign nonexistent symbol RESOURCES_64BIT                                                                                                                    
.config:173: trying to assign nonexistent symbol ZONE_DMA_FLAG                                                                                                                      
.config:174: trying to assign nonexistent symbol BOUNCE                                                                                                                             
.config:175: trying to assign nonexistent symbol VIRT_TO_BUS                                                                                                                        
.config:179: trying to assign nonexistent symbol SECCOMP                                                                                                                            
.config:180: trying to assign nonexistent symbol ISA_DMA_API                                                                                                                        
.config:185: trying to assign nonexistent symbol ZONE_DMA                                                                                                                           
.config:186: trying to assign nonexistent symbol PPC_I8259                                                                                                                          
.config:189: trying to assign nonexistent symbol PCI_SYSCALL                                                                                                                        
.config:191: trying to assign nonexistent symbol ARCH_SUPPORTS_MSI                                                                                                                  
.config:192: trying to assign nonexistent symbol PCCARD                                                                                                                             
.config:212: trying to assign nonexistent symbol PPC_LIB_RHEAP                                                                                                                      
.config:229: trying to assign nonexistent symbol IP_FIB_HASH                                                                                                                        
.config:238: trying to assign nonexistent symbol INET_XFRM_TUNNEL                                                                                                                   
.config:240: trying to assign nonexistent symbol INET_XFRM_MODE_TRANSPORT                                                                                                           
.config:241: trying to assign nonexistent symbol INET_XFRM_MODE_TUNNEL                                                                                                              
.config:242: trying to assign nonexistent symbol INET_XFRM_MODE_BEET                                                                                                                
.config:243: trying to assign nonexistent symbol INET_LRO                                                                                                                           
.config:244: trying to assign nonexistent symbol INET_DIAG                                                                                                                          
.config:245: trying to assign nonexistent symbol TCP_CONG_ADVANCED                                                                                                                  
.config:246: trying to assign nonexistent symbol TCP_CONG_CUBIC                                                                                                                     
.config:247: trying to assign nonexistent symbol DEFAULT_TCP_CONG                                                                                                                   
.config:248: trying to assign nonexistent symbol TCP_MD5SIG                                                                                                                         
.config:250: trying to assign nonexistent symbol NETWORK_SECMARK                                                                                                                    
.config:252: trying to assign nonexistent symbol IP_DCCP                                                                                                                            
.config:254: trying to assign nonexistent symbol TIPC                                                                                                                               
.config:273: trying to assign nonexistent symbol CAN                                                                                                                                
.config:276: trying to assign nonexistent symbol AF_RXRPC                                                                                                                           
.config:281: trying to assign nonexistent symbol CFG80211                                                                                                                           
.config:282: trying to assign nonexistent symbol WIRELESS_EXT                                                                                                                       
.config:283: trying to assign nonexistent symbol MAC80211                                                                                                                           
.config:284: trying to assign nonexistent symbol IEEE80211                                                                                                                          
.config:285: trying to assign nonexistent symbol RFKILL                                                                                                                             
.config:286: trying to assign nonexistent symbol NET_9P                                                                                                                             
.config:295: trying to assign nonexistent symbol UEVENT_HELPER_PATH                                                                                                                 
.config:299: trying to assign nonexistent symbol SYS_HYPERVISOR                                                                                                                     
.config:300: trying to assign nonexistent symbol CONNECTOR                                                                                                                          
.config:307: trying to assign nonexistent symbol MTD_AR7_PARTS                                                                                                                      
.config:313: trying to assign nonexistent symbol MTD_BLKDEVS                                                                                                                        
.config:318: trying to assign nonexistent symbol RFD_FTL                                                                                                                            
.config:319: trying to assign nonexistent symbol SSFDC                                                                                                                              
.config:320: trying to assign nonexistent symbol MTD_OOPS                                                                                                                           
.config:354: trying to assign nonexistent symbol MTD_PLATRAM                                                                                                                        
.config:371: trying to assign nonexistent symbol MTD_ONENAND                                                                                                                        
.config:376: trying to assign nonexistent symbol MTD_UBI                                                                                                                            
.config:378: trying to assign nonexistent symbol BLK_DEV                                                                                                                            
.config:380: trying to assign nonexistent symbol BLK_DEV_COW_COMMON                                                                                                                 
.config:385: trying to assign nonexistent symbol CDROM_PKTCDVD                                                                                                                      
.config:386: trying to assign nonexistent symbol ATA_OVER_ETH                                                                                                                       
.config:387: trying to assign nonexistent symbol MISC_DEVICES                                                                                                                       
.config:388: trying to assign nonexistent symbol EEPROM_93CX6                                                                                                                       
.config:389: trying to assign nonexistent symbol ENCLOSURE_SERVICES                                                                                                                 
.config:390: trying to assign nonexistent symbol HAVE_IDE                                                                                                                           
.config:402: trying to assign nonexistent symbol BLK_DEV_IDECD_VERBOSE_ERRORS                                                                                                       
.config:406: trying to assign nonexistent symbol IDE_PROC_FS                                                                                                                        
.config:412: trying to assign nonexistent symbol BLK_DEV_PLATFORM                                                                                                                   
.config:420: trying to assign nonexistent symbol RAID_ATTRS                                                                                                                         
.config:422: trying to assign nonexistent symbol SCSI_DMA                                                                                                                           
.config:423: trying to assign nonexistent symbol SCSI_NETLINK                                                                                                                       
.config:424: trying to assign nonexistent symbol ATA                                                                                                                                
.config:426: trying to assign nonexistent symbol MACINTOSH_DRIVERS                                                                                                                  
.config:428: trying to assign nonexistent symbol NETDEVICES_MULTIQUEUE                                                                                                              
.config:431: trying to assign nonexistent symbol MACVLAN                                                                                                                            
.config:434: trying to assign nonexistent symbol VETH                                                                                                                               
.config:435: trying to assign nonexistent symbol PHYLIB                                                                                                                             
.config:438: trying to assign nonexistent symbol IBM_NEW_EMAC_ZMII                                                                                                                  
.config:439: trying to assign nonexistent symbol IBM_NEW_EMAC_RGMII                                                                                                                 
.config:440: trying to assign nonexistent symbol IBM_NEW_EMAC_TAH                                                                                                                   
.config:441: trying to assign nonexistent symbol IBM_NEW_EMAC_EMAC4                                                                                                                 
.config:443: trying to assign nonexistent symbol FS_ENET                                                                                                                            
.config:444: trying to assign nonexistent symbol NETDEV_1000                                                                                                                        
.config:445: trying to assign nonexistent symbol NETDEV_10000                                                                                                                       
.config:450: trying to assign nonexistent symbol WLAN_PRE80211                                                                                                                      
.config:451: trying to assign nonexistent symbol WLAN_80211                                                                                                                         
.config:452: trying to assign nonexistent symbol IWLWIFI_LEDS                                                                                                                       
.config:466: trying to assign nonexistent symbol INPUT_FF_MEMLESS                                                                                                                   
.config:467: trying to assign nonexistent symbol INPUT_POLLDEV                                                                                                                      
.config:486: trying to assign nonexistent symbol INPUT_TABLET                                                                                                                       
.config:502: trying to assign nonexistent symbol VT_HW_CONSOLE_BINDING                                                                                                              
.config:503: trying to assign nonexistent symbol DEVKMEM                                                                                                                            
.config:514: trying to assign nonexistent symbol SERIAL_UARTLITE                                                                                                                    
.config:533: trying to assign nonexistent symbol TCG_TPM                                                                                                                            
.config:535: trying to assign nonexistent symbol I2C_BOARDINFO                                                                                                                      
.config:536: trying to assign nonexistent symbol I2C_HELPER_AUTO                                                                                                                    
.config:546: trying to assign nonexistent symbol I2C_OCORES                                                                                                                         
.config:548: trying to assign nonexistent symbol I2C_SIMTEC                                                                                                                         
.config:549: trying to assign nonexistent symbol I2C_TAOS_EVM                                                                                                                       
.config:550: trying to assign nonexistent symbol I2C_STUB                                                                                                                           
.config:551: trying to assign nonexistent symbol I2C_PCA_PLATFORM                                                                                                                   
.config:556: trying to assign nonexistent symbol DS1682                                                                                                                             
.config:559: trying to assign nonexistent symbol PCF8575                                                                                                                            
.config:561: trying to assign nonexistent symbol SENSORS_MAX6875                                                                                                                    
.config:562: trying to assign nonexistent symbol SENSORS_TSL2550                                                                                                                    
.config:568: trying to assign nonexistent symbol SPI                                                                                                                                
.config:570: trying to assign nonexistent symbol POWER_SUPPLY                                                                                                                       
.config:571: trying to assign nonexistent symbol HWMON                                                                                                                              
.config:572: trying to assign nonexistent symbol THERMAL                                                                                                                            
.config:573: trying to assign nonexistent symbol THERMAL_HWMON                                                                                                                      
.config:586: trying to assign nonexistent symbol SSB_POSSIBLE                                                                                                                       
.config:587: trying to assign nonexistent symbol SSB                                                                                                                                
.config:592: trying to assign nonexistent symbol MFD_SM501                                                                                                                          
.config:593: trying to assign nonexistent symbol HTC_PASIC3                                                                                                                         
.config:603: trying to assign nonexistent symbol VIDEO_V4L2_COMMON                                                                                                                  
.config:604: trying to assign nonexistent symbol VIDEO_ALLOW_V4L1                                                                                                                   
.config:605: trying to assign nonexistent symbol VIDEO_V4L1_COMPAT                                                                                                                  
.config:607: trying to assign nonexistent symbol VIDEO_MEDIA                                                                                                                        
.config:612: trying to assign nonexistent symbol MEDIA_ATTACH                                                                                                                       
.config:613: trying to assign nonexistent symbol MEDIA_TUNER                                                                                                                        
.config:614: trying to assign nonexistent symbol MEDIA_TUNER_CUSTOMIZE                                                                                                              
.config:615: trying to assign nonexistent symbol MEDIA_TUNER_SIMPLE                                                                                                                 
.config:616: trying to assign nonexistent symbol MEDIA_TUNER_TDA8290                                                                                                                
.config:617: trying to assign nonexistent symbol MEDIA_TUNER_TDA827X                                                                                                                
.config:618: trying to assign nonexistent symbol MEDIA_TUNER_TDA18271                                                                                                               
.config:619: trying to assign nonexistent symbol MEDIA_TUNER_TDA9887                                                                                                                
.config:620: trying to assign nonexistent symbol MEDIA_TUNER_TEA5761                                                                                                                
.config:621: trying to assign nonexistent symbol MEDIA_TUNER_TEA5767                                                                                                                
.config:622: trying to assign nonexistent symbol MEDIA_TUNER_MT20XX                                                                                                                 
.config:623: trying to assign nonexistent symbol MEDIA_TUNER_MT2060                                                                                                                 
.config:624: trying to assign nonexistent symbol MEDIA_TUNER_MT2266                                                                                                                 
.config:625: trying to assign nonexistent symbol MEDIA_TUNER_MT2131                                                                                                                 
.config:626: trying to assign nonexistent symbol MEDIA_TUNER_QT1010                                                                                                                 
.config:627: trying to assign nonexistent symbol MEDIA_TUNER_XC2028                                                                                                                 
.config:628: trying to assign nonexistent symbol MEDIA_TUNER_XC5000                                                                                                                 
.config:629: trying to assign nonexistent symbol MEDIA_TUNER_MXL5005S                                                                                                               
.config:630: trying to assign nonexistent symbol VIDEO_V4L2                                                                                                                         
.config:631: trying to assign nonexistent symbol VIDEO_V4L1                                                                                                                         
.config:632: trying to assign nonexistent symbol VIDEO_CAPTURE_DRIVERS                                                                                                              
.config:633: trying to assign nonexistent symbol RADIO_ADAPTERS                                                                                                                     
.config:634: trying to assign nonexistent symbol DAB                                                                                                                                
.config:639: trying to assign nonexistent symbol VGASTATE                                                                                                                           
.config:640: trying to assign nonexistent symbol VIDEO_OUTPUT_CONTROL                                                                                                               
.config:642: trying to assign nonexistent symbol FIRMWARE_EDID                                                                                                                      
.config:643: trying to assign nonexistent symbol FB_DDC                                                                                                                             
.config:644: trying to assign nonexistent symbol FB_CFB_FILLRECT                                                                                                                    
.config:645: trying to assign nonexistent symbol FB_CFB_COPYAREA                                                                                                                    
.config:646: trying to assign nonexistent symbol FB_CFB_IMAGEBLIT                                                                                                                   
.config:647: trying to assign nonexistent symbol FB_CFB_REV_PIXELS_IN_BYTE                                                                                                          
.config:648: trying to assign nonexistent symbol FB_SYS_FILLRECT                                                                                                                    
.config:649: trying to assign nonexistent symbol FB_SYS_COPYAREA                                                                                                                    
.config:650: trying to assign nonexistent symbol FB_SYS_IMAGEBLIT                                                                                                                   
.config:651: trying to assign nonexistent symbol FB_FOREIGN_ENDIAN                                                                                                                  
.config:652: trying to assign nonexistent symbol FB_SYS_FOPS                                                                                                                        
.config:653: trying to assign nonexistent symbol FB_DEFERRED_IO                                                                                                                     
.config:654: trying to assign nonexistent symbol FB_SVGALIB                                                                                                                         
.config:655: trying to assign nonexistent symbol FB_MACMODES                                                                                                                        
.config:656: trying to assign nonexistent symbol FB_BACKLIGHT                                                                                                                       
.config:658: trying to assign nonexistent symbol FB_TILEBLITTING                                                                                                                    
.config:663: trying to assign nonexistent symbol FB_DBOX2                                                                                                                           
.config:665: trying to assign nonexistent symbol FB_S1D13XXX                                                                                                                        
.config:666: trying to assign nonexistent symbol FB_IBM_GXT4500                                                                                                                     
.config:668: trying to assign nonexistent symbol BACKLIGHT_LCD_SUPPORT                                                                                                              
.config:673: trying to assign nonexistent symbol DISPLAY_SUPPORT                                                                                                                    
.config:680: trying to assign nonexistent symbol FRAMEBUFFER_CONSOLE_DETECT_PRIMARY                                                                                                 
.config:681: trying to assign nonexistent symbol FRAMEBUFFER_CONSOLE_ROTATION                                                                                                       
.config:686: trying to assign nonexistent symbol FONT_7x14                                                                                                                          
.config:692: trying to assign nonexistent symbol FONT_10x18                                                                                                                         
.config:709: trying to assign nonexistent symbol HID_SUPPORT                                                                                                                        
.config:710: trying to assign nonexistent symbol USB_SUPPORT                                                                                                                        
.config:711: trying to assign nonexistent symbol MMC                                                                                                                                
.config:712: trying to assign nonexistent symbol MEMSTICK                                                                                                                           
.config:713: trying to assign nonexistent symbol NEW_LEDS                                                                                                                           
.config:714: trying to assign nonexistent symbol ACCESSIBILITY                                                                                                                      
.config:715: trying to assign nonexistent symbol EDAC                                                                                                                               
.config:716: trying to assign nonexistent symbol RTC_CLASS                                                                                                                          
.config:717: trying to assign nonexistent symbol DMADEVICES                                                                                                                         
.config:719: trying to assign nonexistent symbol UIO                                                                                                                                
.config:726: trying to assign nonexistent symbol EXT2_FS_XIP                                                                                                                        
.config:729: trying to assign nonexistent symbol EXT4DEV_FS                                                                                                                         
.config:739: trying to assign nonexistent symbol XFS_DEBUG                                                                                                                          
.config:740: trying to assign nonexistent symbol GFS2_FS                                                                                                                            
.config:741: trying to assign nonexistent symbol OCFS2_FS                                                                                                                           
.config:742: trying to assign nonexistent symbol DNOTIFY                                                                                                                            
.config:743: trying to assign nonexistent symbol INOTIFY                                                                                                                            
.config:747: trying to assign nonexistent symbol FUSE_FS                                                                                                                            
.config:769: trying to assign nonexistent symbol PROC_SYSCTL                                                                                                                        
.config:772: trying to assign nonexistent symbol TMPFS_POSIX_ACL                                                                                                                    
.config:774: trying to assign nonexistent symbol CONFIGFS_FS                                                                                                                        
.config:788: trying to assign nonexistent symbol JFFS2_FS_WRITEBUFFER                                                                                                               
.config:789: trying to assign nonexistent symbol JFFS2_FS_WBUF_VERIFY                                                                                                               
.config:790: trying to assign nonexistent symbol JFFS2_SUMMARY                                                                                                                      
.config:791: trying to assign nonexistent symbol JFFS2_FS_XATTR                                                                                                                     
.config:794: trying to assign nonexistent symbol JFFS2_LZO                                                                                                                          
.config:810: trying to assign nonexistent symbol NETWORK_FILESYSTEMS                                                                                                                
.config:813: trying to assign nonexistent symbol NFS_V3_ACL                                                                                                                         
.config:817: trying to assign nonexistent symbol NFSD_V3_ACL                                                                                                                        
.config:822: trying to assign nonexistent symbol NFS_COMMON                                                                                                                         
.config:824: trying to assign nonexistent symbol SUNRPC_BIND34                                                                                                                      
.config:831: trying to assign nonexistent symbol CIFS_WEAK_PW_HASH                                                                                                                  
.config:833: trying to assign nonexistent symbol CIFS_DEBUG2                                                                                                                        
.config:834: trying to assign nonexistent symbol CIFS_EXPERIMENTAL
.config:857: trying to assign nonexistent symbol KARMA_PARTITION
.config:859: trying to assign nonexistent symbol SYSV68_PARTITION
.config:902: trying to assign nonexistent symbol DLM
.config:919: trying to assign nonexistent symbol NO_UCODE_PATCH
.config:920: trying to assign nonexistent symbol USB_SOF_UCODE_PATCH
.config:921: trying to assign nonexistent symbol I2C_SPI_UCODE_PATCH
.config:922: trying to assign nonexistent symbol I2C_SPI_SMC1_UCODE_PATCH
.config:927: trying to assign nonexistent symbol BITREVERSE
.config:928: trying to assign nonexistent symbol GENERIC_FIND_FIRST_BIT
.config:930: trying to assign nonexistent symbol CRC16
.config:931: trying to assign nonexistent symbol CRC_ITU_T
.config:933: trying to assign nonexistent symbol CRC7
.config:937: trying to assign nonexistent symbol PLIST
.config:938: trying to assign nonexistent symbol HAS_IOMEM
.config:939: trying to assign nonexistent symbol HAS_IOPORT
.config:940: trying to assign nonexistent symbol HAS_DMA
.config:945: trying to assign nonexistent symbol PRINTK_TIME
.config:946: trying to assign nonexistent symbol ENABLE_WARN_DEPRECATED
.config:947: trying to assign nonexistent symbol ENABLE_MUST_CHECK
.config:948: trying to assign nonexistent symbol FRAME_WARN
.config:950: trying to assign nonexistent symbol UNUSED_SYMBOLS
.config:951: trying to assign nonexistent symbol DEBUG_FS
.config:952: trying to assign nonexistent symbol HEADERS_CHECK
.config:955: trying to assign nonexistent symbol SAMPLES
.config:960: trying to assign nonexistent symbol KEYS
.config:962: trying to assign nonexistent symbol SECURITY_FILE_CAPABILITIES
* Restart config...
* Code maturity level options
Prompt for development and/or incomplete code/drivers (EXPERIMENTAL) [Y/n/?] y
  Select only drivers expected to compile cleanly (CLEAN_COMPILE) [Y/n/?] (NEW)
* Platform options
8xx Machine Type
> 1. RPX-Lite (RPXLITE)
  2. RPX-Classic (RPXCLASSIC)
  4. FADS (FADS) (NEW)
  5. TQM823L (TQM823L)
  6. TQM850L (TQM850L)
  7. TQM855L (TQM855L)
  8. TQM860L (TQM860L)
  9. FPS850L (FPS850L)
  10. SPD823TS (SPD823TS) (NEW)
  11. IVMS8 (IVMS8)
  12. IVML24 (IVML24)
  13. SM850 (SM850) (NEW)
  15. IP860 (IP860)
  17. PCU_E (PCU_E)
  18. CCM (CCM)
  20. MBX (MBX)
  21. WinCept (WINCEPT)
Beiträge: 4335
Registriert: Donnerstag 3. April 2008, 14:05

Re: root_dream/*' not found

Beitrag von rhabarber1848 »

prodigy7 hat geschrieben:Hm, was soll ich damit anfangen
Welches make target hast Du aufgerufen?
Beiträge: 595
Registriert: Donnerstag 1. Januar 2004, 16:59

Re: root_dream/*' not found

Beitrag von prodigy7 »

rhabarber1848 hat geschrieben:Welches make target hast Du aufgerufen?
Siehe ... 89#p367289 - weis nicht, ob das 100%ig richtig war/ist
Beiträge: 4189
Registriert: Sonntag 2. November 2003, 12:36

Re: root_dream/*' not found

Beitrag von seife »

für die dreambox ist nur "flash-{neutrino,enigma}-squashfs" sinnvoll. JFFS2-Images sollten theoretisch gehen, aber schon der Kernel / die Partitionierung passt dann nicht.
1x/2x ist für die Dreambox eh irrelevant.

rhabarber: evtl. sollte man die unsinnigen/ungetesteten Targets deaktivieren?
Beiträge: 4335
Registriert: Donnerstag 3. April 2008, 14:05

Re: root_dream/*' not found

Beitrag von rhabarber1848 »

seife hat geschrieben: evtl. sollte man die unsinnigen/ungetesteten Targets deaktivieren?
Das steht auf jeden Fall auf meiner To-Do-Liste, evtl. wird
es cdk/make/flash-$ dazu geben. Ich
setze mich dran, wenn ich mit der IPBox im Stadium der
Imageerstellung angelangt bin. Das dauert aber noch.
Beiträge: 595
Registriert: Donnerstag 1. Januar 2004, 16:59

Re: root_dream/*' not found

Beitrag von prodigy7 »

Ich hätte auch noch einen Vorschlag: Einen

Code: Alles auswählen

make help
dass die sinnvollen Optionen ausgibt. Könnt ihr mir eine Übersicht der sinnvollen make-Targets geben? Ich würde dann einen entsprechenden Patch fertig machen.
Beiträge: 595
Registriert: Donnerstag 1. Januar 2004, 16:59

Re: root_dream/*' not found

Beitrag von prodigy7 »

Eine andere Frage noch - gibt es irgendwo Dokumentation, wie das mit dem Switch --with-customizationsdir=DIR funktioniert? Würde mir gerne mein Image etwas customizen, ohne jedes mal beim CVS Checkout wieder alles anpassen zu müssen.

Edit: Und eine Sache, die mir noch aufgefallen ist

Code: Alles auswählen

touch .deps/bootstrap_gcc
( rm -rf linux-libc-headers- || /bin/true ) && ( rm -rf linux-libc-headers || /bin/true ) && bunzip2 -cd Archive/linux-libc-headers- | TAPE=- tar -x && ( ln -sf linux-libc-headers- linux-libc-headers || /bin/true ) && ( cd linux-libc-headers-; patch -p1 < ../Patches/linux-libc-headers.diff ) && ((for f1 in config.guess config.sub; do (for f2 in `find linux-libc-headers- -name $f1`; do (test -e $f2 && rm -f $f2 && ln -s /public/Development/TuxboxCVS/cdk/Patches/$f1 $f2 && echo "updated $f2") done) done) || /bin/true)
bunzip2: Can't open input file Archive/linux-libc-headers- No such file or directory.
tar: Das sieht nicht wie ein „tar“-Archiv aus.
tar: Fehler beim Beenden, verursacht durch vorhergehende Fehler.
make: *** [.deps/install-linux-headers] Fehler 2
Aus irgendeinem Grund scheint er sich das File nicht zu holen. Wenn ich die Datei von ... .1.tar.bz2 hole, rennt es aber weiter.

edit 2: Da ist was im uPnP Zeug kaputt

Code: Alles auswählen

mv -f .deps/movieplayer2.Tpo .deps/movieplayer2.Po
powerpc-tuxbox-linux-gnu-g++ -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -I. -I../.. -I../../daemons -I../../src -I/public/Development/TuxboxBuild/cdkroot/include/tuxbox   -I/public/Development/TuxboxBuild/cdkroot/include/freetype2 -I/public/Development/TuxboxBuild/cdkroot/include/tuxbox -I/public/Development/TuxboxBuild/cdkroot/include/tuxbox   -I/public/Development/TuxboxBuild/cdkroot/include/tuxbox/mpegtools   -I/public/Development/TuxboxBuild/cdkroot/include -I/public/Development/TuxboxCVS/driver/include -I../../lib -I/public/Development/TuxboxBuild/cdkroot/include/tuxbox/xmltree -I/public/Development/TuxboxBuild/cdkroot/include/tuxbox/upnpclient   -DMOVIEPLAYER2 -Wshadow -I/public/Development/TuxboxCVS/driver/oldapi/include -I/public/Development/TuxboxCVS/driver/include -DHAVE_DREAMBOX_DM500 -Wextra -Wshadow  -Wall -pipe -Os -MT upnpbrowser.o -MD -MP -MF .deps/upnpbrowser.Tpo -c -o upnpbrowser.o upnpbrowser.cpp
upnpbrowser.cpp: In member function `virtual int CUpnpBrowserGui::exec(CMenuTarget*, const std::string&)':
upnpbrowser.cpp:120: error: `TYPE_AVS' is not a member of `CControld'
upnpbrowser.cpp:155: error: 'class CZapitClient' has no member named 'IecOff'
upnpbrowser.cpp:169: error: `TYPE_AVS' is not a member of `CControld'
upnpbrowser.cpp:178: error: 'class CZapitClient' has no member named 'IecOn'
upnpbrowser.cpp: In member function `std::vector<UPnPEntry, std::allocator<UPnPEntry> >* CUpnpBrowserGui::decodeResult(std::string)':
upnpbrowser.cpp:285: warning: declaration of 'type' shadows a previous local
upnpbrowser.cpp:244: warning: shadowed declaration is here
upnpbrowser.cpp:285: warning: declaration of 'p' shadows a previous local
upnpbrowser.cpp:244: warning: shadowed declaration is here
upnpbrowser.cpp: At global scope:
upnpbrowser.cpp:1311: warning: unused parameter 'ch_index'
upnpbrowser.cpp:101: warning: unused parameter 'actionKey'
make[5]: *** [upnpbrowser.o] Fehler 1
make[5]: Leaving directory `/public/Development/TuxboxCVS/apps/tuxbox/neutrino/src/gui'
make[4]: *** [all-recursive] Fehler 1
make[4]: Leaving directory `/public/Development/TuxboxCVS/apps/tuxbox/neutrino/src/gui'
make[3]: *** [all-recursive] Fehler 1
make[3]: Leaving directory `/public/Development/TuxboxCVS/apps/tuxbox/neutrino/src'
make[2]: *** [all-recursive] Fehler 1
make[2]: Leaving directory `/public/Development/TuxboxCVS/apps/tuxbox/neutrino'
make[1]: *** [all] Fehler 2
make[1]: Leaving directory `/public/Development/TuxboxCVS/apps/tuxbox/neutrino'
make: *** [/public/Development/TuxboxBuild/cdkflash/root-neutrino] Fehler 2
Ich bau es erst mal ohne weiter (wenns läuft)
Beiträge: 2675
Registriert: Donnerstag 28. September 2006, 19:18

Re: root_dream/*' not found

Beitrag von dbt »

prodigy7 hat geschrieben:Eine andere Frage noch - gibt es irgendwo Dokumentation, wie das mit dem Switch --with-customizationsdir=DIR funktioniert? Würde mir gerne mein Image etwas customizen, ohne jedes mal beim CVS Checkout wieder alles anpassen zu müssen. ... sdir.3DDIR
Das ist zwar so nicht allzu üppig, aber dafür gibts ja das Wiki. Wenn jemand dazu was ergänzen will, tut Euch bitte keinen Zwang an. Bei der Fülle an Änderungen sicher nötig.
Beiträge: 595
Registriert: Donnerstag 1. Januar 2004, 16:59

Re: root_dream/*' not found

Beitrag von prodigy7 »

dbt hat geschrieben: ... sdir.3DDIR
Das ist zwar so nicht allzu üppig, aber dafür gibts ja das Wiki. Wenn jemand dazu was ergänzen will, tut Euch bitte keinen Zwang an. Bei der Fülle an Änderungen sicher nötig.
Also wenn das jemand ergänzen bzw. besser dokumentieren würde, würde mich das freuen. Muss ja nicht mega umfassend sein - wenn jeweils immer ein kurzes sinnvolles Beispiel mit Erklärung vorhanden wäre, würde das voll reichen.

Edit: Also mit etwas Koffein im Blut kommt man dann doch recht schnell hinter die sache ;-)