martii, great work on extended audio info - thanks.
After i tried it myself, i understand, what do you mean under "a delay that's plainly unacceptable" - i personally don't mind, but someone less patient may throw RC into the wall or TV =)
Can "audio PIDs extended info" be painted in separate place, ie not in main paint loop - in this case, delay not affect paint time for bitrate graph/average bitrate info, and overall
visually noticeable paint delay should be less annoying?
Sorry, if you didn't finished with StreamInfo, and work still in progress, but anyway, some comments on current implementation:
1) In MP+WebTV mode long URL looks really ugly. Should it be cropped/truncated?
2) In MP+file mode "URL" value is blank. Can we use filename path there, something like "URL: file://some_file.avi" or "URL: file://mnt/nfs/some_file.avi" ?
I tried, but can't invent something smarter then
Code: Alles auswählen
if (mp) {
// url
r.key = g_Locale->getText (LOCALE_STREAMINFO_URL);
r.key += ": ";
r.val =channel->getUrl();
if (strlen(r.val.c_str()) == 0) { // if value is empty - hide URL label. Should we add path/filename here instead?
r.key = "";
if (strlen(r.val.c_str()) > 40) { // if string too long, crop it. Should it be cropped at render time via "width" option?
r.val = r.val.substr(0,37);
r.val += "...";
scaling = 8000;
} else {
If someone prefer old-style StreamInfo, patch also provided, see attached files.
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