spanish channels has only two programs (actual and next)
i finded this another source better for it: ... in_todo.gz
where can i add it?
thanks so much !!

hi, i added it. it´s the first time i add a "pull request", hope its ok. you can see it here hat geschrieben:There is no code to import external epg yet in neutrino-mp.
If you add it in a clean way, just send a pull request on github against, so that I can integrate it.
i have no patch developed... im just trying to send a request to improve EPG info in spanish channels.seife hat geschrieben:The target of your pull request is the wrong project, I dont' thinkt that Thilo's (dbt1) fork is really maintained, thus lots of unrelated stuff is included.
Can you point me to the repo where you added your patch? I cannot find it...
i think im asking in the wrong place....seife hat geschrieben:This file does not exist on my neutrino-mp installations.
Are you even talking about neutrino-mp?