debug: DDF: Calibrating delay loop... debug: DDF: 67.79 BogoMIPS
debug: BMon V1.0 mID 01
debug: feID dd gtxID 0b
debug: fpID 5a dsID
debug: HWrev X5 SWrev 0.81
debug: B/Ex/Fl(MB) 32/00/08
WATCHDOG reset enabled
dbox2:root> debug:
BOOTP/TFTP bootstrap loader (v0.3)
debug: Transmitting BOOTP request via broadcast
debug: Given up BOOTP/TFTP boot
boot net failed
Flash-FS bootstrap loader (v1.5)
Found Flash-FS superblock version 3.1
Found file /root/platform/nokia-dbox2/kernel/os in Flash-FS
debug: Got Block #0044
will verify ELF image, start= 0x800000, size= 202996
verify sig: 262
Branching to 0x40000
PPCBoot 1.1.6 (TuxBox) (Aug 5 2002 - 09:06:03)
CPU: PPC823ZTnnA at 67.200 MHz: 2 kB I-Cache 1 kB D-Cache
*** Warning: CPU Core has Silicon Bugs -- Check the Errata ***
Watchdog enabled
Board: DBOX2, Nokia
I2C: ready
Scanning JFFS2 FS: .

LCD: ready
FB: loading - ready
In: serial
Out: serial
Err: serial
1: Console on null
2: Console on ttyS0
3: Console on framebuffer
Select (1-3), other keys to stop autoboot: 0
=> bootp 100000 /C/res_publica_beta2_beta_tester_version.img
BOOTP broadcast 1
BOOTP broadcast 2
BOOTP broadcast 3
BOOTP broadcast 4
BOOTP broadcast 5
Retry count exceeded; starting again
......und die dbox steht bei ppcboot....
mhhh mach ich was falsch?