
> echo Test
> setenv PATH /root/platform/bin:/root/bin:/usr/bin:/usr/siege/bin:/mnt/bin
> setenv TZ MET-01METDST-02,J84,J302
> setenv LD_LIBRARY_PATH /root/platform/lib:/root/lib:/usr/lib:/root/platform/mpc8xx-dbox2/lib:/root/platform/nokia-dbox2/lib
> setenv SIEGEHOME /usr/siege
> setenv CLASSPATH /usr/siege/lib/siege.jar:/usr/siege/lib/junior.jar:.
> umount /lost+found
getmntinfo: Not a directory
getmntinfo: Not a directory
/lost+found: not currently mounted
C_INIT: usage: umount [-v|-F|-f|-a|-t [ufs|nfs]] [special_file]
> umount /
getmntinfo: Not a directory
getmntinfo: Not a directory
/: not currently mounted
C_INIT: usage: umount [-v|-F|-f|-a|-t [ufs|nfs]] [special_file]
> mount /
NFS Portmap: RPC: Program not registered
C_INIT: mount error - failed to set nfsargs
; Und nun ins Terminalfenster (vorherige Seite) kucken!
> arun initactor -v -V -i 4
C_INIT: afexec of initactor failed - No root mounted
und nicht weiter das
started aid = 10
INIT Version 0.9 loaded
INIT: library path: "LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/root/platform/nokia-dbox2/lib:/root/platform/lib:/root/lib:/usr/lib:/root/platform/mpc8xx-dbox2/lib:/root/platform/nokia-dbox2/lib"
INIT: start run level 2
INIT: execute "ddf"
INIT: time: 58 sec, 920000000 nsec
INIT: started aid = 11
INIT: execute "upgrade
INIT: time: 62 sec, 820000000 nsec
INIT: afexec of upgrade failed - No such file or directory
macht sie nicht kann mir jemand unterstützen
mfg gaga01